Page:Beverages and sandwiches for your husband's friends.djvu/22

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No. 1.

Squeeze into a pitcher the juice of four large fresh lemons. Now add two or three large pieces of ice and one pint of good bourbon whiskey. Mix thoroughly by stirring vigorously a few minutes. Now add two bottles of Cantrell & Cockran's ginger ale and while pouring it in, three tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar.

No. 2.

Same as above, using plain soda in place of ginger ale and adding another tablespoonful of sugar.

No. 3.

Same as No. 1, using one pint of water in place of ginger ale, one thinly sliced orange, one liqueur glass of Medford rum, and any small fruit, such as grapes or cut peaches. Add a little more sugar if necessary.

This quantity will fill five or six glasses.