Page:Beverages and sandwiches for your husband's friends.djvu/48

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Parboil a nice firm eggplant; cut off the top and remove all the inside; mash fine and season well with butter, salt and pepper. Put back in the shell and bake a few minutes in a quick oven. Spread while hot between thin slices of hot buttered toast. Cut the same as for cold sandwiches and serve at once.


Take large green peppers, split lengthwise and broil a few moments. After broiling skin them and remove most of the seeds. Chop very fine, adding a pinch of salt. Place a thin layer between the bread spread with mayonnaise, and cut according to general directions.


Take six small country sausages, split them lengthwise and broil on each side. Allow to cool. Now place on one of the buttered bread slices leaves of lettuce, then the broiled sausage, then the thin-