Page:Bhagavad Gita - Annie Besant 4th edition.djvu/191

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on Me, then by the yoga of practice seek to reach Me, O Dhananjaya. (9)

अभ्यासेऽप्यसमर्थोऽसि मत्कर्मपरमो भव ।

मदर्थमपि कर्माणि कुर्वन्सिद्धिमवाप्स्यसि ॥ १० ॥

If also thou art not equal to constant practice, be intent on My service; performing actions for My sake, thou shalt attain perfection. (10)

अथैतदप्यशक्तोऽसि कर्तुं मद्योगमाश्रितः ।

सर्वकर्मफलत्यागं ततः कुरु यतात्मवान् ॥ ११ ॥

If even to do this thou hast not strength, then, taking refuge in union with Me, renounce all fruit of action with the self controlled. (11)

श्रेयो हि ज्ञानमभ्यासाज्ज्ञानाद्ध्यानं विशिष्यते ।

ध्यानात्कर्मफलत्यागस्त्यागाच्छान्तिरनन्तरम् ॥ १२ ॥

Better indeed is wisdom than constant-practice; than wisdom, meditation is better;