Page:Biagi - The Centaurians.djvu/187

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The Centaurians

ments, where several very sleepy individuals awaited us, whom we promptly dismissed.

"To-morrow we go through the museum," Saxe. informed us.

"Yes, and take in the city," echoed Sheldon.

"And in the evening," cried Saunders excitedly, "we visit the Observatory, situated upon a mountain somewhere. My acceptance is for all of us. I fancy this engagement the most important."

"Are you at leisure to accompany us, Sally?" asked Sheldon insinuatingly; "or do instructions begin at once? No occasion to stare," he replied to my look; "you have not been secretive. The women over here are all alike. When time hangs heavy and my mind unoccupied, I am to teach a couple of sweet morsels the art of love also, which, it seems, only the ancients knew anything about. Innocence, however, is a thorough accomplishment in this wonderful land of advancement. It will take centuries of progression before the charm of this trait is valued by the women of our world. Knowledge is the admitted great passion over here, the foundation of existence, etc., and sought from cradle to grave, even then not abandoned; hence, the Centauri brain is ever active, verdant, and dogged ennui as Love is a dead evil. Here a man is judged by deeds and what he knows, not by what he's worth. Wealth, the common, is thought of with indifference, poverty has become obsolete. You see I did not waste my time this evening and, Sally, you have a powerful rival. You will lose,