Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/18

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  1. Page.

  2. Genus 3. Glaucis Boie 329
  3. Key to the Subspecies of Glaucis hirsuta 330
  4. 11. Glaucis hirsuta hirsuta (Gmelin) 330
  5. 12. Glaucis hirsuta affinis (Lawrence) 333
  6. 13. Glaucis hirsuta ænea (Lawrence) 334
  7. Genus 4. Threnetes Gould 336
  8. 14. Threnetes ruckeri (Bourcier) 336
  9. Genus 5. Aithurus Cabanis and Heine 338
  10. Key to the Species of Aithurus 339
  11. 15. Aithurus polytmus (Linnæus) 339
  12. 16. Aithurus scitulus Brewster and Bangs 341
  13. Genus 6. Hemistephania Reichenbach 342
  14. 17. Hemistephania veraguensis (Salvin) 343
  15. Genus 7. Anthoscenus Richmond 344
  16. Key to the Species and Subspecies of Anthoscenus 345
  17. 18. Anthoscenus longirostris longirostris ( Vieillot) 346
  18. 19. Anthoscenus longirostris pallidiceps (Gould) 349
  19. 20. Anthoscenus constantii constantii (Delattre) 350
  20. 21. Anthoscenus constantii leocadiæ (Bourcier) 352
  21. Genus 8. Pampa Reichenbach 353
  22. Key to the Subspecies of Pampa pampa 354
  23. 22. Pampa pampa pampa (Lesson) 354
  24. 23. Pampa pampa curvipennis (Lichtenstein) 355
  25. Genus 9. Campylopterus Swainson 356
  26. Key to the Species of Campylopterus 358
  27. 24. Campylopterus hemileucurus (Lichtenstein) 358
  28. 25. Campylopterus rufus Lesson 361
  29. Genus 10. Phæochroa Gould 362
  30. Key to the Species and subspecies of Phæochroa 363
  31. 26. Phæochroa cuvieri cuvieri (Delattre and Bourcier) 363
  32. 27. Phæochroa cuvieri saturatior (Hartert) 365
  33. 28. Phæochroa roberti (Salvin) 365
  34. Genus 11. Phæoptila Gould 366
  35. 29. Phæoptila sordida Gould 367
  36. Genus 12. Cynanthus Swainson 368
  37. Key to the Species of Cynanthus 369
  38. 30. Cynanthus latirostris (Swainson) 370
  39. 31. Cynanthus lawrencei Berlepsch 373
  40. 32. Cynanthus doubledayi (Bourcier) 375
  41. Genus 13. Basilinna Boie 377
  42. Key to the Species and Subspecies of Basilinna 378
  43. 33. Basilinna leucotis leucotis (Vieillot) 38
  44. 34. Basilinna leucotis pygmæa Simon and Hellmayr 381
  45. 35. Basilinna xantusi (Lawrence) 382
  46. Genus 14. Hylocharis Boie 384
  47. 36. Hylocharis eliciæ (Bourcier and Mulsant) 384
  48. Genus 15. Chalybura Reichenbach 386
  49. Key to the Species of Chalybura 387
  50. 37. Chalybura buffoni (Lesson) 388
  51. 38. Chalybura urochrysa (Gould) 390
  52. 39. Chalybura isauræ (Gould) 391
  53. 40. Chalybura melanorrhoa (Salvin) 392