Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/495

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Similar to A. prevostii, but adult male with chin and throat wholly bright metallic green.

Adult male. — Above metallic bronze, greenish bronze, or bronze- green, the middle pair of rectrices usually more coppery bronze; other rectrices rich purplish maroon, glossed with violet-purple, margined terminally with purplish or bluish black, this extending along edge of outer web for terminal half (more or less); remiges brownish slate or dusky; loral and malar regions, chin, and throat brilliant metallic yellowish emerald green varying to more golden green; chest and median portion of breast and abdomen duller and more bluish green, the lateral under parts metallic bronze or bronze- green; under tail-coverts blackish or dusky, more or less glossed with greenish; femoral and lumbar tufts white; bill dull black; iris dark brown; feet dusky; length (skins), 99-111 (105); wing, 64.5-72 (67.1); tail, 34-37.5 (35.3); exposed culmen, 23.5-26.5 (24.7).[1]

Adult female. — Above similar in color to the adult male; chin and a broad stripe extending therefrom along sides of throat and chest to anal region, white, these two white stripes inclosing one of metallic bluish green, the feathers of wdiich are dusky beneath the surface; sides of neck and thence to flanks metallic bronze-green; under tail- coverts light bronze-green narrowly tipped or terminally margined with white, the longer ones with an indistinct subterminal bar of dusky; lateral rectrices broadly tipped with white and crossed by a broad band of glossy blue-black, the remaining portion chestnut glossed wdth metallic purple; length (skin). 111; wing, 65; tail, 36.5; culmen (tip of maxilla broken off).[2]

Panamá (Volcán de Chiriquí; Davíd; Calobre; Cordillera del Chucu; Agua Dulce; Natá, Coclé; Panamá); Costa Rica?

[Anthracothorax, y. Sericotes] veraguensis Reichenbach, Aufz. der Colibr., 1854, 11 (Verágua; nomen nudum).
[Anthracothorax] veraguensis Reichenbach, Troch. Enum., 1855, 9, pi. 794, fig. 4848 (Verágua).
[Lampornis] veraguensis Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1854, 250. — Sclater and Salvin, Nom. Av. Neotr., 1873, 81. — Mulsant, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, xxii, 1876, 202.— Sharpe, Hand-list, ii, 1900, 118.

  1. Six specimens.
    Locality. Wing. Tail. Exposed
    Six adult males from Panamá. 66.2 35 24.9
    One adult male from Costa Rica 72 37.5 23.5
  2. One specimen.