Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1094

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SHORT SUMMONS. A process, authorized in some of the states, to be issued against an absconding. fraudulent, or non- resident debtor, which is returnable within a less number of days than an ordinary writ of summons.

SHORTFORD. An old custom of the city of Exeter. A mode of foreclosing the right of a tenant by the chief lord of the fee, in cases of non-payment of rent. Cowell.

SHOW. Although the words "show" and "indicate" are sometimes interchangeable in popular use, they are not always so. To "show" is to make apparent or clear by evi- dence; to prove; willie an "indication" may be merely a symptom; that which points to or gives direction to the mind. Coyle v. Goni., 104 Pa. 133.

SHOW CAUSE. To show cause against a n-Est, an order, decree. execution, etc.. is to appear as directed, and present to the court such reasons and considerations as one has to offer why it should not be con- firmed, take effect, be executed, or as the case may be.

SHRIEVALTY. The office of sheriff; the period of that office.

SIIYSTER. A "pei:tlfog,¢;ing shyster" is an unscrupulous practitioner who disgraces his profession by doing mean work, and resorts to sharp practice to do it. Bailey v. Ixalumazoo Pub. Co., 40 Mich. 251. See, also, Gribble v. Pioneer Press Co., 34 liiinn. 342, 25 N. W. 710.

Si 3. jute discedau, vague aria, et erunt omuia omnibun ineerta. Lt you depart from the law, you will go astray, and all things will ba uncertain to everybody. Co. Liitt. 227D.

SI A(71'I0. Lat. The conclusion of a plea to an action when the defendant demands judgment, if the plziintift ought to have his action, etc. Obsolete.

Si alioujul 1-ei soeietns sit et flull ne- gotin impositus est, flnitur nocietas. If there is a partnership in any matter, and the businem is ended, the partnership ceases. Griswold v. Waddington, 16 Johns. (N. I.) 438. 489.

Si aliquld ex iwlemuibus deflciat, cum iequitas poscit, subveuiendum eat. If any one of certain required forms he wanting, where equity requires, it will be aided. 1 Kent. Comm. 157. The want of some of in neutral vessel's papers is strong presumptive evidence against the hips neutrality. yet the want of any one of them is not absolutely conclusive. Id.



SI ALIQUID SAPIT. Lat. If he knows anything; if he is not altogether devoid of reason.

Si assuotis medex-i pnssis, uavs uon aunt teutaurla, if you can be relieved by accustomed remedies. new ones should not be tried. 10 Coke, 14211. If an old wall can be repaired, a new one should not be made. Id.

SI CONSTET DE PEJRSONA. Lat. Ifit be certain who is the person meant.

SI CONTING-AT. Lat If it happen. Words of condition in old conveyances. 10 Coke, 4211.

SI PECERIT TE SECURIJM. Lat. If [he] make you secure. In practice. The initial and emphatic words of that description of original writ which directs the sheriff to cause the defendant to appear in court, without any option given him. provided the plaintiff‘ gives the sheriff security effectually to prosecute his claim. 3 BL Comm. 274.

Si ingratum dixer-is, omnia dixeril. If you afiirm that one is ungrateful, in that you include every charge A Roman maxim. Tray. Lat. Max.

SI ITA EST. Lat. If it be so. Emphatic words in the old writ of mimdinniu to a judge, commanding him, if the fact alleged be truly stated. (36 (ta eat.) to aiiix his seal to a bill of exceptions. Ex parte Crane, 5 Pet. 192, 8 L. Ed. 92.

Si melioi-en nuut quon ducit auior, plures aunt qua: can-igit timer. If those are better who are led by love, those are the greater number who are correctsd by fear. Ca. Litt. 392.

Si non apparent quid actum est, erii consequent ut id sequmuur quod in re- gions i.u qun actum est frequentetur. If it does not appear what was agreed upon, the consequence will be that we must follow that which is the usage of the place where the agreement was made. Dig. 50, 17, 34.

SI NON OMNES. Lat. In English practice. A writ of association of justices where by, if all in commission cannot meet at the day assigned, it is allowed that two or more may proceed with the business. Cowell; Fitzh. Nat. Brev. 111 C.

Si nulla. sit conjecture quae dueat nlio, vei-bu iutelligemie, aunt ex pruprietate, non granunatice. sed popular-i ex usu. If there be no inference which leads to a different, words are to be understood according to their proper meaning, not in I