Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1095

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grammatical, but in a popular and ordinary, sense. 2 Kent, Comm. 55.

SI PARET. Lat. If it appears. In Roman law. Words used in the formula by which the prsetor appointed a judge, and instructed him how to decide the cause.

Si plnren hint ildejnssores, quutqnot ammt nnmero, singuli in solidum tenentur. If there are more suretles than one, how many soever they shall be, they shall each be held for the whole. Inst. 3, 20, 4.

SI PRIUS. Lat. In old practice If before Formal words in the old writs for summoning juries. Fleta. l. 2, c. 65, § 12.

Si quid universitnti debetnr ningulis non debetur, nee quad rlebet universitau singali debent. If anything be owing to an entire body, it is not owing to the individual members; not do the individuals owe that which is owing by the entire body. Dis- 3, 4. 7. 1.

Si qnidem In nomine, cog-nomima, prmnomine legato:-ii testator er-raven-it, cam :12 persons eonstat, nihilominns va- let legatum. Although a testator may have mistaken the nomen, cognomen, or prwnomen of a legatee, yet, if it be certain who is the person meant, the legacy is valid. Inst. 2, 20, 29; Broom, Max. 645.

S1 QIJIS. Lat. In the civil law. If any one. Formal words in the preetorian edicts. The words "qu'ls," though masculine in form was held to include women. Dis. 50. I6, 1.

51 11111: enstos frundem pupillo feeerit, A tnteln remnvenrlns est. Jenk. Cent. 39. If a guardian do fraud to his ward, he shall be removed from his guardianship.

Si qnis pr-mg-nnntem nxarem 1-eliqnit, non videtnr sine liberis denessisse. If a man leave his wife pregnant, he shall not be considered to have died without children. A rule of the civil law.

Si quis unnm perenssex-it, cum nlium perentere vellet, in felonin tenetnr. 3 inst. 51. If a man kill one, meaning to kill another, he is held guilty of felony.

§ RECOGNOSCAT. Lat. If be ac- knowledge. In old practice. A writ which lay for a creditor against his debtor for money numbered (pecuma nmnerala) or Counted; that is, a specific sum of money, which the debtor had acknowledged in the county court, to owe him, as received in peL> numerutis. Cowell.

Si suggestio non sit Vera, liters: pntentes vs.enn=. snnt. 10 Coke, 113. If the suggestion be not true, the letters patent are void.



SIB. Sax. A relative or kinsman. Used in the Scotch tongue, but not now in English.

SIC. Lat. Thus; so; in such manner.

Sic enim debate qnem meliorem ugrnm mum faeere ne vieini deteriurem fnciat. Every one ought so to improve his land as not to injure his neighbor's. 3 Kent, Comm. 441. A rule of the Roman law.

Sin inter-pretandum est at verbs, ac- dpiantur sum eifeetu. 3 Inst. 80. [A statute] is to be so interpreted that the vmrds may be taken with effect.

SIG SUBSGRIBITUR. Lat. In Scotch practice. So it is subscribed. Formal words at the end of depositions, immediately preceding the signature. 1 How. State Tr. 1379.

Sio utere tno at nliennm non lnzdns. Use your own property in such a manner as not to injure that of another. 9 Coke, 59; 1 Bl. Comm. 306; Broom, Max. 365.

SICK. A little current of water, which is dry in summer; a water furrow or gutter. Cowell.

SIGIUS. A sort of money current among the ancient English, of the value of 2d.

SICKNESS. Disease; malady; any mor- bid condition of the body (including insanity) which, for the time bsing, hinders or pre~ vents the organs from normally discharging their several functions L. R. S Q. B. 295.

SICUT ALIAS. Lat. As at another time, or heretofore. This was a second writ sent out when the first was not executed. Cow- ell.

SICUT ME DEUS ADJUVLT. Lat. So help me God. Fleta, l. I, c. 18, §4.

Sicut nature. nil fnoit per snltnm, its. nee lex. Co. Lltt. 238. In the same way as nature does nothing by a bound, so neither does the law.

SIDE. The same court is sometimes said to have different sides; that is, different provinces or fields of jurisdiction. Thus, an admlra.lty court may have an "instance side." distinct from its powers as a prize court; the "crown side," (criminal jurisdiction) is to be distinguished from the "pies side." (civil jurisdiction;) the same court may have an "equity side" and a "law side"

SIDE—BAR RULES. In English practice. There are some rules which the courts authorize their officers to grant as a matter of course without formal application being made to them in open court, and these are technically termed "side-bar rules," because