Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1112

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STAFF-HERDING. The following of governinent, and required to be attached ta cattle within a forest. mail-matter, and to some other articles sub- ject to duty or excise. b STAt_(':'E-RtI‘(1}l-t[T_i: ndword whlchl i:it]Ji'1;: Estitfinp ants. In Enfilislli law. tAc[.:lreEi1|g;— 89!) El QDJD 9 D LB 1'0 llCe 115 8. SL115 L1 3 E S Ell]-‘)5 l.l[J0ll CL‘ S C‘lJl.1_l':lf‘ S,

0 for "the right of representation and perform- vfetzggtgn $115 3:l‘]>;'§e;J1;v:)sEs1_-5l1l_lsst-:l<1i_ 5:: aiiice." but It can hardly be said to be an ac- fiat ' Blues gmposcd upon Ma miscd rm; ceptcd term or English or American law. stzimps I.l[.‘iIDl.l[)i1)'l.'hI'TIL-lltlllld paper, and forming Snvcgt a brsnch of the perpc-ruiil revenue of the king-

dom. 1 Bl. Comm.

STAGIARIUS. A s'de t. C elL rel " W STANCE. In Scotch law. A resting

sTAGNUM_ In Old English mm A pool’ place; a field or place adjoining a drovermid, or pond ca mm 5"; Johnson v_ Rayner, 6 fonrestlng and refreshing sheep and cnttleoii Giay (.\Iiiss.) 110, their Journey. 7 Bell, App. Cas. 53, 57, 58.

s.1.AK_.E_ A dsposit made to answer an STAND. To abide; to submit to: as "ta 0 event, as on 11 wager. See Harris v. White, 't',m'd " t"_"‘l'" _ _ 81 N_ Y_ 539; Porter v_ Day. 7] Wu 2%‘ 37 I0 remain as a thing is; to remainlnforce. N_ "L 239, Mom, v_ Miesen 47 Minn 228, Pleiidings deinurred to and held good are al- 49 N_ W: gel ' lowed to stand.

_ . To ' rt. —Sta.keliolder primarily mciins a person with appear m_c°u _ _

whom money is deposited pending the decision -5_"«3!1diDE I?-Eldfi Jl1l‘01‘!_- A DPBCUFE by of a bet or wager. (q. 1)..) but it is more gfmn which, on the driiirlng of :1 Jury for B. C’l'll_.\‘Jll'|R1 usid to menu a person who_holds money or prop- tI‘|£-ll, the prosecuting officer puts aside a Juror, ert_v which is claimed by rivnl claimants, but in DF°V'§|°lm1!y. |JlJ_U1 the lmnel ls exlinusted, with- which he himself Claims no ime,.,,st Sweet out disclosin,-z his reasons. lnstead of being re- Anri see Oiientnl Ilauk v. Trenionl. Ins. Co., 4 ‘1‘""’d '-'9_d‘:""€‘"K5 11"" ind 511°" ""55 The \lrtc (.\i:iss.) 10; Fisher v. Hildreth 117 Mass. Statute -*5 Ed" L de-.1—"'"9¢‘ ‘'19 0'0" "f "'9

s 5.; vabash R_ Co_ ,,_]._.~],mu1gan 95 mm Al," power to challenge ]l1l'Ol'S without showing

'75 S W 69L ' cause, and Ella practice of standing lasldefjurogs

' ' ' was adoptc in Englan , as B. metiod o evii -

ing its provisions. A similar practice is in use

STAIJ-J, n. In Saxon law. Larceny. in Pennsylvania. See "'arren v. Coin., 37 Pix.

Wharton 54; Zell3\0'.2Com., 94 Pa. 272: Hnines v.dC€hm.,

' 100 Pu. - . But in Missouri, it is siii at the words "stand aside" are the usual formula, STAIJ-J, adj. In the language of the used in impnneling a jury, for reyecting a jur-

courts of equity, a "stale" claim or demand °1‘- St"? V- Hlllkzu 103 M9 41- 15 S-.W- 9.40-

ls one which has not been pressed or asserted l';3_$n‘}:d‘},’engu,}:}§l_'iu3§edci;€u,$gu%:E l"',"i§pl’,_‘e':]€

ml‘ 50 10'-IS 5 time that the Owner °" °"9dit°1' dared itathe duty of the possessor to communi-

is chargeable with laches, and that changes czite it; and _it is s_iich knowledge, and not the

occurring meanwhile in the relative situation 'u‘'‘.'e 5"" "E 5L"‘."‘.‘"-‘5 "34 "mt 13" "'9 f°""' . . . diilion of responsibility. The phrase does not

Of the Dilflles OF the lllu‘-I'VE"?-'10l| Of new import an actual presence, "but implies knowl-

interests or eqnllles, would render the en- edge under such cirouinstzimes as to _render 1:

forcement of the claim or demand against thed¢luI:v Of 1|%1eblPi0SSfSo-‘iv! 50 §_'§U|2_l1'J::fl‘PR1f

conscience. See The Galloway 0. Morris, 2 §9'fl1,"a’,:‘";:'w ‘)1 1.'gi‘éhM‘:|[]’_'

A'l2b- U- S- 164. 9 Fed. Cris. 1.111; King v- son 'v. ("iiici?u-ii1g_ 41 N.' 11. 3s'n."17i'.-am. Dec.

White, 63 Vt. 158, 21 Ati. 535, 25 Am. SL Tbfl; Bltfrison v. Zlioriisnn. 2 Dana glly.) 16.

Rep. 752: Ashnrst v. Peck. 101 Ala. 45:9, 14 ;§a*:$";fSfcf;::*=-wag §,E'§°§§'-,,:;P::,K";1t§°.E

South. :3-11; The Harriet Ann, 11 Fed. Czis, whé, he ,.ef,,se,1 [0 DIMIL 0,. ,,n5We‘,.,.d foreign

591. to tfile purpose. 011]‘. £lf'Tl(‘fE a plea of not guilty.

won not put imse upon the country.-

- , Stamling orders are rules and forms regulat-

sTAI'I‘AGE' _ The ‘many or I15" of ing the procedure of the two houses of parlia- pltclilng or erecting stalls in fairs or niiirkels, mam; e-mg, lmving its own They are of gum] or the money paid for the same. 1 Steph, force in eieiy parliament. exiept so far as they comm_ (;54_ are altered or siispenrlefl from tune to time. Cox. lust. 136: May. Purl. Pr. 185.—Sta._mli1ig

seized to mice. A cuvenint to stand seised to

STAI-I4ARI'U5- 111 Saxon 1flW. The uses is one by which the owner of on (suite cov- pnrfrctus smbizli, now master of the horse. eniinls to hold the siime to the use o_f another svi-snwes one who has a sum in a mm or 2:;':a°.".; ';:*::1::.¥.".:e'.=;!;;;".:.'.*;‘." ‘i‘°;"i".."i ;';,.t.2::*3;

m"-"l*"-‘t- convefyance depending for its effect on we shit-

ute 0 uses.


STAMP. An impression mode by public iiutliorlty, in pursuance of law, upon paper sq-ANDARD_ An ensign or flag used in or parchment, upon which certain legal 1)ro- Wm-_ ceediiigs, conveyances, or contracts are re- quired to be written, and for which a tax or STANDARD OF WEIGHT, or MEAS- duty is enacted. UR]-J. A weight or measure fixed and pre A small lubel or strip of paper. bearing a sci-ilied by law, to which all other weights particular device, printed and sold by the mid measures are required to correspond.