Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1113

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STANNARIES. A district which icnludes all parts of Devon and Cornwall where some tin work is situate and in actual operation. The tin miners of the stannaries have certain peculiar customs and privileges. —-Stnunary courts. Courts in Devonshire nuil CUl‘il\’Hlll for the administration of justice union}: the miners and tinncrs. These courts IVEAE held before the lord viardcn and his depu-

iir-, by virtue of a piivilegc granted to the warlion M the tin-mines there. to sac and be sued in llllll‘ nun Luurts only, in order that they might i...t lil‘ drawn away from their business by hoviInE' to offend lawsuits in distant courts. iinwn.

STAPLE. In English law. A mart: or mirlzet A place where the buying and selling of wool, lead, leather, and other articles were put under certnin terms. 2 Reeve, Eng. law, 393.

In international law. The right of stu-

lIlE, as exercised by a people upon foreign uuervzhsnts, is defined to be that they may not iliow them to set their inerchnndises and warns to sale but in a certain place. This practice is not in use in the United States. 1 Chit. Com. Law, 103. —Stnple Inn. An inn or chancei-y. See Inns or CliAl\'CERY.—-Sta.tute—§ta.ple. In English in" A security for a debt acknowledged to be due. so called from its being entered into before the mayor of the staple. that is to say, the grand mnrt for the principal commodities or munufaciurcs of the kingdom, formerly held by act of oru-iiament in certain trading towns. In niher respects it resembled the attitude-merchant, (q. 1)..) bin: like that has now fallen into disuse. 2 Bl. Comm. 160; 1 Steph. (‘m'nm_ 9°‘

STARBOARD. Ln maritime law. The right-hand side of a vessel when the observer fnccs forward. "Starboard tack." the course of vessel when she has the wind on her star- board bow. Burrows v. Gower (D. C.) 119 Fed 617.

STAR-CHAMBER was a court which originally had jurisdiction in cases where the Kvrihnary course of justice was so much obstructed by one party. through writs, combination of maintenance, or overawing infinence that no inferior court would find its process obeyed. The court consisted of the privy council the common-law judges, and (it seems) all peers of parliament. In the r(-Ligii of Henry VIII, and his successors, the jurisdiction of the court was illegally extended to such 11 degree (especially in punishing disobedience to the king's arbitrary procla- mafiuus) that it became odious to the nation, and was abolished. 4 Steph. Comm. 310; Swot-t

STARE IJECISIS. Lnt. To stand by decided cases: to uphold precedents; to maintain former adjudications. 1 Kent. Comm. 477.

STARE IN JUDICIO. Lat. To k'[if.EIlI' before a tribunal, either as Dl:1i11Lil‘.E or defendsnt.

Bl.Law Dict.(2d Ed.)—70



STARR, or STARRA. The old term for contr-art or obligation among the Jews. he- log a corruption from the riehrew word "slietaa-_." a covenant. By an ordinance of Richard I . no starr was allowed to 1-: valid, airless deposited in one of certain repositories established by l-1w, the most considerable of which was in the king's cxchcquer nt W est- minstcr; and Blackstone conjectures that the room in which these chests were kept was

thence called the "starr—chamber." 4 Bi. Comm. 266, 267, note ll. Stat pro rntinne voluntas. The will

stands in place of a reason. Sears v. Shafer, 1 Barb. (N. Y.) 408. 411: Farmers‘ Loan & '1‘rust Co v. Hunt. 16 Barb. (N. Y.) 514, 525

Stat pro rations voluntau popnli. The will of the people stands in place of a reason. People v. Draper, 25 Barb. (N. Y.) 34-}. 370.

STATE, 1;. To express the particulars of e thing in writing or in words; to set down or set foith in detail.

To set down in gross; to mention in general terms, or by way of reference: to refer. Utica v. Richardson, 6 Hill (N. Y.) 300.

STATE, n. A body politic, or society of men, united together for the purpose of pro- moting their mutual safety and iiilvniitnge. by the joint efforts of their combined strength. Cooley, Const. Lini. 1.

One of the component commonwealths or states of the United States of America.

The people of a state, in their collective capacity. considered as the party Wronzed hy a criminal deed: the public: as in the title of a cause. "The State vs. A. B."

The section of territory occupied by one of the United States.

—Foreig1: state. A foreign country or nation. The several Unitcd States are consirlernrl "Enr- cign" to each other except us regards their re- iations as common members of the Union.- State’: evidence. See Evini:Ncn.—State officex-s. Those in hose duties concern the state at large or the general public, or who are authorized to exercise their official functions throughout the entire state, without limitation to any political subdivision of the state. In another snrisc, officeis l)El|')JJ'_‘lD,'_: to or exercising outlioiity under one of the states of the Union. as distiii;:uisl)erl from the officr-rs of the United Stains. Soc In re Police (‘om‘rs 22 R. I 654, 4") . ".6; State v. Burns. 39 Flu. 379. 21 South. 2'10: People v. Nixo I\. Y. 221. 52 N. E. 111'i'.—Sta.te paper. document pro- pnrod by, or relating to, the D0 iticai department of iho governmnnt of a state or nation. und cocnerning or affecting the administration of its government or its political or international re- lations. Also, a newspaper. designated by pub- lic authority, as the organ for the pubhmtinn of public statutes. resolutions. notices. and ad- verriseme-nts.—-State tax. A tax the proceeds of which are to be devoted to the expenses of the slate. ns distinguished from taxation for in)- ("a or 1nIInir‘i1nll purposns. See Y Sexton. 32 Mich. 413, 20 Am. Rap. G. v. Auditor of State. 15 Ohio St. 4S...— trial. A trial for 21 political offense.-State Trials. A work in thii-I_v-three volumes octavo, containing oil English trials for offenses against
