Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1140

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T. As on abbreviation. this letter usunily stands for either "Tei-ritory." "'.l.‘rinity." "term." "tern-glare," (in the ti.Lue of.) or "title-."

Every person who was convicted of felony, short of iiinrder, and admitted to the benefit of clergy, was at one time marked with this letter upon the brown of the thumb, '1he pI‘:ll_(ICe is abolished. 7 8: 8 Geo. Iv. c. 27.

By a law of the Province of Pennsylvania, A. D. 1698. it was provided that a convicted thief should wear a badge in the form of the letter "T.," upon his left sleeve, whiih badge should be at least four inches long and of a color different from that of his outer garment. Llnn. Laws Prov. Pa. 275.



T. B. E. An abbreiiation of "Tempura Regis Ed7.L~urdi," (in the time of King Ed- ward.) of common occurrence in Domesday, when the valuation of mnnors, as it was in the time of Edward the Confessor, is reconnted. Cowell.

TABABD. A short gown: a herald's coat; a su.rc-oat. TABABDER. One who wears a tabard

or short gown; the name is still used as the title of certain bachelors of arts on the old foundation of Queen's College, Oxford. Enc. Loud.


TABELLA. Lat. In Roman law. Atab— let. Used in voting. and in giving the verdict of juries; and, when written upon. com- monly translated "ballot." The lens which introduced and regulated the mode of voting by ballot were called "logos mbelloriw." Cal- vin.; 1 Kent, Comm. 232, note.

TABELLIO. Lot. In Roman law. An officer C01‘l‘eS[lDIld.1llg In some respects to a notary. His business was to draw legal instruments, (contracts, wilis. etc.,) and witness their execution. Caliln.

TABERNACULUM. In old records. A public inn, or house of entertainment. Cow- ell.

TABERNARIUS. Lat. In the civil law. A shopkeeper. Dlg. 14. 3. 5, 7.

In old English law. A taveruer or tavern-keeper. Fieta, lib. 2, c. 12, § 17.

TABES DORSALIS. In medical jurisprudence. This is another name for localizatar atiuria. Tahetic dementia is :1 form of meuiiil derangement or insanity complic iled with tubes dons-alis, whlch generaily precedes. or sometimes follows, the mental attack.

TABLE. A synopsis or condensed statement, bringing together numerous items or




details so as to be comprehended in a singia view; as genealogical tables, exhibitlra .4- names and relationships of nil the petals composing fl family: life and annuity lcililq used by actunries: interest tables. etc

—Tabla de Marbre. Fr. In old French law. Table of _\tai-ble: a 1 ‘nclpzil seat of riir nimiraltz. so called Tinse Tobi-s de Kan are i'lPI]IlPlJ[ly mentioned in the Ordnninipa ( the Iui" e. l3urrill—Table of cases. :wI alphabetical list of the adjudged cusa° ci'¢~L rcI‘eri'ed to, or digested in a legal text-tun. Vfllllllll‘ nf reports, or dig»;r with refer-Inc to the sections. pages, or [Jfll‘iIgl'i|fli]S wbuv ill! iire respectively cited. eic., whiLh is comma!) either prefixed or B:ppeDIl('d to the vnliinp\— Table rents. In English law. Piuurlfl which used to be made to bishnps. etc. rewi'\a-

and appropriated to their table or house keeping. Vi/hnrton.

TABLEAU 0!‘ DISTRIBUTION. In Louisiaim. A list of creditors of an |visn|- vent estate. stating what each is entitled tn. Taylor v. Hollander, 4 Mart. N. S. (La) 535

TABULA. Lat. In the civil law. A to- ble ur tablet; a thin sheet of wood, whirl; when covered with wax, was used for writ lug.

TABULA IN NAUFRAG-IO. Lot. A plan]: in a shipwreck. This phrase is used metaphorically to designate the power s)t- sist-ing in a third mort;;.'igee, who took without uotice of the second mortgage. to acquire the first incumbrance, attach it to his oiin, and thus squeeze out and get satisfaction. before the second is admitted to the fund 1 Story, Eq. Jur. 5 414; 2 Ves. Ch. 573.

TABULE. Lat. In Romnu law. Ts- bles. Writings of any kind used as evidences of a transaction. Brissonius.

—Tal1n1az nuptinles. In the civil law. A written record of a marriage; or the agrucineui as to the dos.

TABULARIUS . hellio. Calvin.

Lot. A notary, or ta-

TAC. TAK. 1'n old records. A kind of customary payment by a tenant. Cowell.

—Ta.u free. In old records. Free from the common duty or imposition of too. Cou-rll

TACIT. Silent; not expressed; implied

or interred: manifested by the refiaining from contradiction or objection; infei-red from the situation and circ-inustances, iii the absence of express matter. Tlnis, tacit consent is consent lnferied from the fact that the party kept siience when he had on opportunity to forbid or refuse. —Tacit acceptance. In the ciril law, a tacit acceptuncc of an inhnritance takes place hen some act is done by the heir which new 'i|y supposes his intention to accept and