Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1252

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Baldw. Dig.

Baldw.I)ig. Baldwin's Connecticut D1-


Bali. Baitour's Practice, Laws of Scot- lnnd.

Ball on B. Ball & Bentty's Irish Chacnery Reports.

Bank, and Ins. R. Bankruptcy and Insol- vency Reports, Engilsh.

Bank. Ct. Rep. Bankrupt Court Reports, New 1ork;—’l‘he American Law Times Bank- ruptcy Reports are sometimes thus cited.

Bank. 1. (or Bank. Imit.). B:1nktEr'E Institutes of Scottish Law.

Bank. Rep. American Law Times Bunk- rnptcy Reports.

Bank. & Ins. Bankruptcy and insolvecny Reports, English.

0 Banks. Banks’ Reports, vols. 145 Kansas.

Bann. Bannisters Reports, English Com- mon Pleas.

Bann. Br. Bannlster's edition of 0. Brid.,- mnn's English Common Pleas Reports.

Bann, an A. Pat. (in. Banning & Arden's Patent Cases.

Bar. Barnsrdiston's English King's Bench Reports; — Bnrnard.1ston's Clnuicery; — Bar Reports in all the Courts, Engllsh;—Bar- ‘hour's Supreme Court Reports. New York ;— Barrows‘ Reports, vol. 18 Rhode Island.

Bar. On. (or Chy.). Barnardistun's English Chancery Reports.

Bar. Mag. Bar-rington's Msgna Charta.

Bar. N. Barnes‘ Notes, English Common Pleas Reports.

Bar. 0bs.St. Bal'ring'ton’s Observations upon the Statutes from Msgna Chm-ta to 21 James 1.

Bar, an Ad. Bnrnewall & Adolphus’ English King's Bench Reports.

Bar, an A1. Bsrnewall 6: Alderson's English King's Bench Reports.

Bar.& Arn. Barron & Arnold's English Election Cases. .

Bar. & Anst. (or An.). tin’s English Election Cases

Bar. & Cr. Burnewsll & Cresswell‘s English King's Bench Reports.

Barb. Bnrbour’s Supreme Court Reports, New York;—Barber's Reports, vols. 14-24 Ar- kansas.

Barb. Abs. Barbour’s Abstracts of Chacnellor's Decisions, New York.

Barb. App. Dig. Barber's Digest, York.

X Bax-‘b. Ark. Barher’s Reports, vols. 14-24 Arkansas.

Barb. 011. Reports.

Barb. Ch. Pr. tice (Text Book).

Barb. Dig. Barber's Digest of Kentucky.

Barb. S. C. Barhour‘s Supreme Court Reports, New York.

Barbe. Barber's Reports, Arkansas. Barb. Ark.

Bare. Dig. Barclay's Missouri Digest.


Barron & Aus-


Bsrhour's New York Chancery

Barbour's Chancery Prac-



Beav. & Wal. Ry. Cal. Barn. Bnrnnrdiston's English King's

Bench Reports Bnrnes’ English Common Pleas Reports :—Bnrnfield’s Reports, vols l9~ 20, Rhode Island.

Barn. Ch. Bz1rnardlston‘s English Chacnery Reports.

Ba:-n.No. Barnes‘ Note of Cases, English Common Pleas.

Bern, an A. Barnewail & Alderson's English King's Bench Reports.

Barn. & Ad. (or Ad.ol.). Baruewall & Adoiphus’ English King's Bench Reports

Barn, az Ala. Burnew-all & Alderson's English King's Bench Reports.

Barn, ac. (or Cr.). Barnewall & Cress- weil's Enginsh King's Bench Reports.

Barnard. Ch. Bnrnar(liston's Chancery Reports.

Barnard. K. B. Bench Reports.

Barnes. Barnes‘ Practice Cases, English.

Barnes. N10. Barnes’ Notes of Cases in Common Piens.

Barnet. B-arnet’s Reports, vols. 27—29 English Central Criminal Courts Reports.

Barnf. & S. Bnrufield and Stiness‘ Re~ ports, $01. 20. Rhode Island.

Ba:-nw.'.Dig. Barnwali‘s Digest of the Year Books.

Barr. Bnrr’s Reports, vols. 1-10 Pennsylvanls State;—BarrDws’ Reports, vol. LS Rhode Island.

Barr. St. Barrlngton's Ohservations upon the Statutes from Msgns Charts to 21 James I.

Barr. & Arn. Election Cases.

Barr. & Ans. Election Cases.

Barring. Obs. St. (or Barring. St.). Bnrrlngton's Ohservations upon the Statutes from Msgnn Charts. to 21 James I.

Barnardiston's Kings

Barron & Arnold's English

Barron & Austin's English

Barrows. Barrows’ Reports, vol. 18 Rhude Island. Bart. Hi. Can. Bartlett's Congressional

Election Cases. Bat. Dig. Battle's Digest, North Cnrullna. Bates. Bates’ Delaware Chancery Reports. Bates’ Dig. Bates‘ Digest, Ohio. Butt. (or Batty). Betty's Irish King's Bench Reports. Box. (or BsI.xI;.). 60-68 '1‘enne§ee. Bay. Bay's South Carolina ReportS:— Bay's Reports, vols 1-3 and 5—8 lilissourl. Beach,Reo. Beach on the Law of Re-

Baxter's Reports, vols.


Baas. Beasley's New Jersey Chancery Re ports.

Bent. (or Bentty). Beatt_v's Irish Chucnery Reports.

Beav. Besvarrs English Rolls Court Reports.

Benv. R, an 0. (ins. Engllsh Railway and Canal Cases, by Beavan and others

Beav.&WaL B.y.Gas. Beavan 6: "'81- ford's Railway and Canal Cases, England.