Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1305

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Rap. Jud. Q. C. S.

Rep. Jud. Q. C. S. Rsapport's Judicinrlee de Quebec Cour Snperieure.

Rap. Lu-. Rapnlje on Larceny.

Rap. N. Y. Dig. Rapalje‘s New York Digest.

Rap. & I.. (or Law.). Rnpalje & Lawrence, American and English Cases.

Rapal. &L. Rnpnlje & Lawrence. Americnn and English Cases.

Ratt. L. C. Rnttigen's Leading Cases on Hindoo Law.

Raw. (or Rawle). Rawle’s Pennsylvania Reports.

Rawle, Gov. Rawlc on Covenants for T1-


Rewle Pen.& W. (Rawle) Penrose & Wntts, Pennsylvrmln.

Raym. (or Reym. Ld.). Lord Raymond's English King's Bench Reports.

Raym. sir '1‘. Sir Thomas Raymond‘: English King's Bench Reports.

Raymond. Raymond's Reports, vols. 81- 89 iown.

Rayn. Rayner‘s English Tithe Cases.

Re-af. Re—aIfirmed. J. Revue de Jurisprudence, Montrenl.

Be. as L. Revue de Jurisprudence et Leg- islation, Montreal.

Real Est. Rec. Real Estate Record, New York.

Real Pr. Cal. lish).

Rea. Records;—Recorder;—A.merican Law Record.

Real Property Cases (Eng-

Itec.Deo. Vnux's Recorder's Decisions. Phlindelphla. Red. Redfleld's New York Surrogate Re-

ports;—Reddington, Maine.

Red. Am. B. R. Cns. Redfleld's American Railway Cases.

Red. Cu. B. R. Red.field'e Leading Am- erican R:\1lw:1_v Cases.

Red. Cns.Wills. Redfleld's Leading One- es on Wills.

Red.R.R. Gas. Redfleid's Leading American Rmlway Cases.

Red. & Big. Gas. B. & N. Redfleltl 8; Big- elow's Lending Cnses on Bills and Notes.

Renif. (ur Itedf. Sun-.). ReLlfield's New York Surrogate Reports.

near. Sur. (N. Y.). Redfleld's New York Srirx-agate Court Reports.


Redf. Will-. Redfleld’s Lending Cases on Wills.

Redington. Retllngton's Reports, vols. 31- 35 Mnlne.

Reed Freud. Reed's Lending Cases on Statute of Rrnuds.

Reese. Reporter, vols. 6, 11 Heisl:ell‘s Tennessee Reports.

Reeve, Eng. Law (or Reeve, Hist. Eng. Law). Reeve's History of the English Law.

Reg. App. Registration Appeals.

Reg. Brew. Register or Writs.

Reg. Gas. Registration Casa

Reg. Gen. Regalw Generalus

Bl.Law Dict.(2d Ed.)—82


Rev. Laws

Reg. Jud. Registnem Judicsie. Reg. Om. Brew. Rcgistruni Onlnium Bre


Reg. Orig. Registruin Originale.

Reg. Writ. Register of Writs.

Reilly. Reilly's English Arhitrntion Cases. '

Rem. Cr. Tr. Remnrlsnhle Criminal Erl- als.

Rem. Tr. Cunnntns 5; Dnnphyis Rexn.1rl:- able Trials.

Rem. Tr. No. Ch. Benson's Remarknble Trials and Notorious Clmrncters.

Remy. Relny's Reports, vols. 145-134 Indiana; also Indiana Appellate Court Reports.

Rep. Report- Reports:——Reporter:—Repmied;—W.|ll:1ce's The Reporters.

Rep. (1, 2, etc.). Oo1;e's English King's Bench Reports.

Rep. Ass. Y. es nt Yorke

Claytons Reports of Assiz-

Rep. Cas.Eq. Gilbert's Chancery Reports. Rep. Gas. Med:-. Reports of Cases. De-

Ivanny Adnwlnt. Madras.

Rep. Gas. P1-. Reports of Cases of Practice ((‘ooke's).

Rep. 0):. Reports in Chuncery, English.

Rep. 0):. Pt. Reporlx on Ci.\:1ncery Prictice.

Rep. Com. One. Cases, Bengal.

Rep. Const. Ct. Reports of the COLlSt‘ltLl- tional Court, South Carolina (Tieznlway, Mill, or Harper).

Reports on Commercial

Rep.C1-.L.cnm. Reports of Cdminal Law Connnlssiollers.

Rep. 121;. Gilbert's English Reports in Equity.

Rep.inCh. Reports in Chancery. English.

Rep. 0. A. Report tempura Queen Anne,

vol. 11 Modern.

Itep.sel.Cas.Ch. Kelynge's (W) English Chancery Reports.

Rep.t. Finch. Reports tempore Finch, English Chancery.

Rep. t. Hm-rl. Lee's Reports tempura Hnrdwicke. English King's Bench Reports‘.

Rep. t. Holt. Reports lcmpore Holt (English 0. es of Settlement).

Rep. t. 0. Br. C:irter’s English Common Pleas Reports tempura O. Bridgman.

Rep. t. G. A. Reports tempura Queen Anne, voi. 11 Modern Reports.

Rep. t. Tnlb. Reports tempore Talbot. ngllsh Chancery.

Rep. Yorke Ase. sizes at Yorke.

Clayton‘: reports of As-

Repox-ts. Oo1;e's English K|l]g'E Bench Reports. Bettie. Rettie, Crawford & Melville's

Search Session Cases (4th series). Rev. C. 5; 0. Rep. Revenue, Civil, and Cruninni Reporter, Bengal. Rev. Laws. Revised laws.