Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1309

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Saund. & C.

Saund.& C. Saunders & Cole's English Bail Court Reports.

Sauna. & Mae. Saunders & Macrae's English County Court Cases.

Snusse & Se. Sausse 8: Scully’s Irish Rolls Court Reports.

Saw. Savile's English Common Pleas Reports.

saw. Dr. Ron. Savigny Drolt Romaine.

Saw. Priv. Trial of the Savannah Privateers.

saw. Syst. Sax igny, System des Hentigen liiimischen Richts.

saw. (or sawy.). Sawyers United States Circuit Court lteports.

sax. (or Snxt.). Snxton's New Jersey Chancery Reporm.

Say. (or Sayer). Bench Reports.

So. Sctlir-at (that is to say):~Sc.1cearin (Excheqm-r);—Scott's Reports, English Com- mon Pleas ;—Sr=otch:—Scammon's Reports, vols. 25 Illinois.

Sc. Jlu-. Scottish Jurist.

Snyer's English King's

So.L.R. Scottish Law Reporter, Edin- burgh.

se. N.R. Scott's New Reports.

Sc.Sess.Cas. Scotch Court at‘ Session Cases.

So. & Div. App. pools (Law Reports).

Scotch and Divorce Ap-

Scac. S(‘ac('arla Curiu (Court of Excheq- ner).

Seem. Scsmmorrs Reports, vols. 2—5 Illi- nois.

Seh.& Lei. Schoales & Lefroy's Irish Chancery Reporin.

Schnik. Scls.-1lk's Jamaica Reports.

sober. Scllerer. New York Miscellaneous Reports.

Sclun. Civil Law. Spain and Mexico.

Schomberg, Mar. Laws Rhodes. Schumberg. Treatise on the lliaritiine Laws oi! Rhodes.

Sehouler, Pars. P1.-op. sonai Prnpelty.

Schonler, Willa. Schouler on Wills.

Sei.£n. ad dis. deb. Scire fades ad disprobmidlnn dclzitmn,

S('i.u.nidt's Civil Law of

Schonler on Per-

Sco. Scott's English Common Pleas Reports. Sco. N.R. Scott's l\ew Repor-is, English

Common Pleas. Scot. St-nt1:1nd‘,—SCotfiSh. Scot. Jur. Scottish Jurist, Edinburgh. Scot.l.. R. Scottish Law Reporter. Edinhlngl1:-Svnttlsh Law Review, Gl lsgow. Scot L. T. Seat Iraw Tllnes. Edinburgh. Scott. Scott’: English Common Pleas Reporis:—-Scottls New York Civil Procedure.

Scott J. Reporter. English Common Bench Reports. Scott N.R. Scott’s New Reports. Eng-

Lish Common Pleas. Scr. L. '.i.‘. Scranton Law Times, Pennsyl- vanla.


Seats. (335.

S. E. R. Southeastern Reporter.

Sea:-le & Sm. Scarle & Smith's English Probate and Divorce Reports. Sebastian on Trade


Sec. leg. Seczmdum legum (according to law).

sec.reg. Seclmdum regula/In (according to rule). Part 3 of the Year Books.

Seed. pt. 1!. VI. Part 801' the Year Books.

Sedg.L.Cas. Sedgwlclrs Leading Cases on Damages :—-Sedgwick's Leading Cases on Real 1'1-operty.

Sedg. St. & (Joust. Law. Sedgwick on Statutory and Constitutional Law.

Seign. Rep. Seigniorlal Reports, Lower Cannrl.-1.

se1.Caa.Ch. Select Cases in Chancery (part 3 of Cases in Chancery).

Sel. Gas. D. A. Select Cases (Sudderl. Dewzulny Adawlut, India.

Sel.Cas.Ev. Select Cases in Evidence (Strange).

5:51. Can. N. E‘. Land.

Sel. Gas. N. W. P. West Provinces. Lndia.

sel.Cns.N.Y. Yates’ Select Cases, New York.

Sel. Gas. 1:. Br. tempura Brougham.

Sel. Can. t. King. cery tempura King.

Sel. Cas. t.Ns.p. (Drury's) Select Cases tcnworo Napier, Irish Chanrery.

Sel. Can, with Opin. Select Cases with Opinions, by a Solicitor.

Sel. Dec. Bomb. Selected Decisions, Sudder Dewanny Adawlut, Bombay.

Sel.Dee.Ma.dr. Select Decrees, Sudr Udawlnt, Madras.

scl. Pr. Sellon's Practice.

Selrl. Selden's Reports, vol. 5-10 New Yorl: Court of Appeals.

selrl. Notes. Selden's Notes, New York Court of Appeals.

Sela. Tit. I-Ion. Selden’s Titles of Honor.

Selllen. Selden's Reports, New York (‘nurr of Appeals.

Sell. Pr. Bench.

Selw. N. P. Sel\\yn's Law of Nisl Prins.

selw. & Barn. The First Part of Barne- wall 8; Alderson's English Kings Bench Reports.

Sex-g. Land Law: Pa. Sergeant on the Land laws of Pennsylvania.

Sex-g. & Luwb. Rep. English (‘nmmnn Law Reports, American reprints edited by Sergeant & Lowher.

Serg. & It. Sergeant & Rawle's Pennsyl- vania Reports.

Sess. Gas. Sessions Cases (English Kin,-;‘s Bench Reports) ;—Scotch Cour1: of Session Cases.

Select Cases, Newfound-

Selected Cases, North-

Couper’s Select C.l>~e's

Select Cases in Chan-

Sellon's Practice in the King's