Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/149

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mr hind. Land Doc, :1 writing for convey- lug kind; a deed or charter; a land-book.

—Bue horde. A place where books, writings, or 1-videntes were kcpt. Cuwell.-—Boc land. in énxoii law. Ailoiiial lands hold by deed or other written evidence of title.

BOGERAS. Sax. A sciiiie, notary, or LhfliIL'ell0l' among the Saxons.

{{anchor+|.|BODILY. Pertaining to or concerning

the body; of or belonging to the body or the |Jii_\SiCfl.l constitution; not mental but corporei.iL Electric R. Co. v. Lauer, 21 1nd. App. -166. 5'). N. E. 703. —Bodily hnnn. Any toucbing of the poison at fl.ilUl1||!l' iigiuust his _will with physical force, in nu iutcnuuiial, hostile, and ziggressive manner, or a pi'U_]ECl.ilJg of such force against his vii-son People v. Moore, 50 Hun, 556, 3 N. X. supp. 15$).-— heirs. Iieirs begotten or borne by the peison referred to; linea_1 descend- iiuu. 'ihis term is equivalent to "heirs of the body." Turner v. House, 199 Ill. 464, N. E. ii.) Craig v. Ambrose, 80 Ga. 134 4 h h.\ 1_; fllghiur v. Forres ' 1_J3ush (Is,y.) ...i _o - 1y injury. Any physical or corporen iniury; not ueccssm-ily rcstiicted to ingury to_ the trunk or main part of the body as distinguished from the head or linihs. Qunk v. Siegel-cooper (.o., -1.5 App. Div. 454. 60 N. Y. Supp. 225.

{{anchor+|.|BODMERIE, BODEMERIE, BODDE- MEREY. Belg, and Germ. Bottoniry, (q. 1:.)

{{anchor+|.|BODY. A person._ Used of a natural body, or of an .iitii'icia1 one created by law, ||S I1 C0l‘DOl‘iltl0I].

Also the main part of any instriinient; in dueils it is spoken of as distinguished from llir lELlli11S and other introductory parts and siglIiil.Ul'e5; in aliulcwits, from the title and jurnL

l‘he main part of the human body; the lions. Sanchez v. People, 22 N. Y. 149; .\‘i:ite v. Edniundson, 64 M0. 402; Walker v. Suite, 34 Fla. 167, 16 South. 80, 43 Am. St. Rep. 186.

{{anchor+|.|BODY CORPORATE. A corporation.

{{anchor+|.|BODY OF A COUNTY. A County at large, as distinguished from any particular [Jlill'R within it. A county considered as a li~i-ritoriai uhoie. State v. Arthur, 39 Iowa, People v Dunn, 31 App. Div. 139, 52 i\. L Supp. U68.

{{anchor+|.|BODY OF AN INSTRUMENT. The n land opei-atlve piiit; the substantive pro- riuu.'x 1--s di—Li.nguished from the recitals, Lille, Jurut, etc.

{{anchor+|.|BODY OF LAWS. An organized and sys- Iiilntic collection of rules of jurisprudence; is, iurtiuilariy, the body of the civil law, or 11011» juria ci-cilia.

{{anchor+|.|BODY POLITIG. A term applied to a (V.f|IlI‘fll.'I0l.l, which is usually designated as I "I-ndy corporate and politic."

The term is particularly appropriate to n




public corporation invested with powers and duties of government. it is often used. in a rather loose way, to designate the state or nation or sovereign power, or the government of a county or municipality, without distinctly connoting any express and individ- ual corporate character. Munn v. Illinois, 94 U. S. 1%, 24 L. Ed. 77; Coyie v. McIntire, 7 Honst. (Del.) -14, 30 Atl. 728. 40 Am. St. Rep. 109; Warner v. Beers, 23 Vi-'en(1. (N. Y.) 122; People v. Morris. 13 Wend. (N. Y.) 33-1.

{{anchor+|.|BOILARY. Water arising from a salt vseil belonging to a person who is not the owner of the soil.

13015, or BOYS. brush.

L. Fr. "food: timher;

{{anchor+|.|BOLHAGIUM, or BOLDAGIUM. A little house or cottage. Blount.

{{anchor+|.|BOLT. The desertion by one or more persons from the political party to which he or they belong; the pei-ruanont withdrawal before adjourmnent of a portion of the dele- gates to a political convention. Bap. & L.

{{anchor+|.|BOLTING. In English practice. A term formerly used in the English inns or court, but more particularly at Gray's Inn, signifying the private arguing of cases, as distin- guished from maotiny, which was a more formal and public mode of argument. Gow- eil; Toiniins; Holthouse.

BOMBAY REGULATIONS. Regulations passed for the presidency of Bombay. and the territories suliordinate thereto. They were passed by the governors in council of Bombay until the year 1834, when the power of legislation ceased, and the acts re- iating thereto were the-nceforth passed by the governor general of ludia in council. Moz- ley 8: Whitley.

BON. Fr. In old. French law. A royal order or check on the treasury, invented by Francis 1. Bon pour mills liurcs, good for a thousand iivres. Step. Lect. 387.

In modern law. The name of a clause (bun pour , good for so much) added to a cellule or promise, where it is not in the handwriting of the signer, containing the amount of the sum which he obliges himself to pay. Path. Obi. part -1, ch. 1. art. 2, § 1.

BONA. Lat. ii. Goods; property; possessions. In the Roman law. this term was used to designate all species of property, real, personal, and mixed, but was more strictly applied to real estate. In modern civil law, it includes both personal property (techiiicajly so called) and chattels real. thus corresponding to the French Manx. in the common law. its use was confined to the de-