Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/242

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COMPLETE, adj. 1. Full; entire: icnluding c-very item or element of the tiling spoken of, without omissions or deficiencies; as, a "I-nuililete" copy, record. schedule. or transcript. Yeager v. Vi-‘iight, 112 Ind. 30, 13 N. E. TOT: Anderson v. Ac-lceriiian, SS Ind. 490: B. Iley v. lilartin, 119 Ind. 103. 21 N. E. 346.

2. Perfect: coiisiiiiinuite; not lacking in any element or ]l.'Ili'l(.'lIli1I'; as in the Case nf a "complete legal title" to land, which includes ibe possession, the right of possession, and the right of property. Dingcy v. Paxton, 60 Miss. 1034; Ehie v. Quacl:en- boss, 6 Hill (N. Y.) 537.

COMPLIGE. One who .is united with others in an ill design; an associate; a con- federate; an 11CLfllll[lliCE.

GOMPOS MENTIS. Sound of mind. Having use and Loutrol of one's mental fac- ulties.

GOIVLPOS SUI. Having the use of one’s limbs, or the power of bodily motion. 8! fuit iita Campos sill quad itilwrare pntitit de Irma in locum, it be bad so far the use of his limbs as to be able to travel from place to place. Bmct. fol. 14b.

COMPOSITIO MENSUEARUM. The ordinance of measures. The title uf an acnient ordinance. not printed. mentioned in the statute 23 Hen VIII. C. 4: establishing a standard of measures. 1 Bl. Comm. 275.

GOMPOSITIO ULNARUM ET PER- TIGARUM. The statute of ells and perches. The title of an Eugiisii statute establish-

ing a standard of measures. 1 Bl. Oolnm. 275. COMPOSITION. An agreement, made

upon a sufliiicnt consideration, between an insolvent or enilurrassed debtor and his creditors, whereby the latter, for the sake of immediate payment, agree to accept a dividend less than the whole amount of their claims, to be distributed pro rain, in discharge and satisfaction of the whole-_ Bank v. l\[cGeoch, 92 W'is. 230. 66 N. W. 666; Crossley v. Moore. 40 N. J. Law. 27: Craw- ford v. Krueger. 201 Pa. 348, 50 At]. 931: In re l\Ierrinii:in's Estate. 17 Fed. Cas. 131; Chapman v. l\Ii‘;:. Co.. 77 Me. 210; In re Ad- ier (D. C.) 103 Fed. 444.

"Composition" should be distinguished from "accord." The latter properly dk‘lJOL('H an arrangcment between a debtor and a single cred- itor for a discharge of the obligation by a part payment or on dilfcrent terms. The former designates an arrangement between a debtor and the whole body of his creditors (or at least a considerable proportion of them) for the liquidstion of their claims by the dividend oiiered.

In ancient law. Goths. Bnrgundians,

Among the Franks, and other barbarous



peoples. this was the name given to a sum of money paid, as satisfaction for a wrong or personal injury. to the person harmed, or to his family if he died, by the aggressor. It was originally made by mutual agreement of the parties, but afterwards (’Sti1lJll‘?d by law, and took the place of private physical vengeance.

_—-Composition deed. An agreement embodying the terms of a composition between a debtor and his creiiitors.—Gomposition in ban - tuptcy. An arrangement between B. bimlirvipt and his creditors, whereby the amount be can be expected to pay is liquidated, and he is iii» lowed to retain his assets. upon condition of hi making: the payments agreed upon.—Composition of matter. In pan-nt law. .\ mirture or i.-iieniical combination of materials. Go year v. Rniiroaii (‘n.. 10 Fail. (‘as 664; C; i v. Brown. 4 Fed. Cas. 1005: Jacobs v. R ‘ 7 Wail. 295. 19 L. Ed s)0.—oom;msir a of tithes, or real composition. This nrisrs in English ecclesiastical law, "hen an agrlaeineut in made between the owner of lands and [hr icnumbent of a bencflce, with the cons:-nt or :5 ordinnry and the patron. that the lnnils sliiiii. for the future, be discharged from payment of tithes, by reason of some land or other real recompense given in iieu and satisfaction there- of. 2 Bl. Comm. 28: 3 Steph. Comm. 1:39.

COMPOTARIUS. In old English law. A party accounting. Fleta. iib. 2, c. 71. 517.

COMPOUND, v. To compromise; to effect a composition with a creditor; to ob- tain discharge from a debt by the payment of a smaller sum. Bank v. Maibcur County, 30 Or. 420, 45 Pnc. T81, 35 L. R. A. 14]: I-[askins v. Newconib. 2. Johns. (N. Y.) 405; Pennell v. Rhodes, 9 Q B. 114.

COMPOUND INTEREST. Interest up on interest, i. 2., when the interest of a sum of money is added to the principal, and (lien bears interest, which thus becomes a sort at secondary principal. Camp 1'. Bates. 11 Conn. 4517; Woods v. Rankin, 2 Heist. (Tenn.) 46: U. S. Mortg. Co. v. Sperry (C. C.) 26 Fed. 730.

GOMPOUNDER. In Louisiana. The maker of a composition. generally called the "amicable compouiider."

GOMPOUNDING A FELONY. The offense committed by a person who, hnvim been directly injured by a felony, agreic with the criminal that he will not p1‘0SeCll(r him. on condition of the latter's makliigrey» aration, or on receipt of a reward or bribe not to prosecute.

The offense of taking a reward for for- bearing to prosecute a feiony; as where I party robbed takes bis goods again, or other amends. upon an agreement not to prosecute. Watson v. State. 29 Ark. 299; Com. v. Pease. 16 Mass. 91.


In Spanish lllW.