Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/243

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COMPRINT. A surreptitious printing of another book-seller-‘s copy of a work, to make gain thereby, which was contrary to common law, and is illegal Wharton.

COMPRIVIGNI. In the civil law. Chil- dren by a former marriage, (indiudualiy called "pr‘1'L'l1/ni," or "pr‘i1=1'g1rw.") considered rclntirely to each other. Thus, the sun all’ a husband by a former wife, and the riaughler of :1 wife by a former husband, are the L-o7Ii.pririgm' of each other. Inst. 1, 10, B.

COMPROMISE. An arrangement arriverl at either in court or out of court, for smiling a dispute upon what appears to the parties to be equitable terms, having regard to the uncertainty they are in regarding the rncts, or the law and the facts together. ('nlbnrn v. Groton. 66 N. H. 151. 28 Ati. D5, 22 I- R. A. 783; Treitschke v. Grain Co., 10 \'clr. 358. 6 N. W. Q7: Attrill v. Patterson, .\id. 226; Bani: v. McGeoci1, 92 Wis. 286, no N. W. 606; Rivers v. Blom, 163 Mo. 442, I3 S. W. 812.

An agreement between two or more persons, who, for preventing or putting an end to a law- suit, adjust their difficuilies by mntual consent rn thc manner which they agree on, and which r-very one of them prefers to the hope of gain- iag. balanced by the danger of losing. Sharp v. Knox. 4 Ln. 456.

In the civil law. An agreement where- by two or more persons rnntually bind them- sclves to refer their legal dispute to the decrsiun of a designated third person, who is

termed "ur1rpire" or "ar-bitrator." Dig. 4, 8; iiiackeld Rom. Law, 5 471.

Comp:-omissarli aunt Judices. Jenk. Cent. 128. Arbitrators are judges.

COMPROMISSARIUS. In the Civil law. An arbitrator.

COMPROMISSUM. A submission to arbitration.

Compromissum ad limilitudinem ju- Iiiciornm ndigitur. A comprornise is brmr;:|rt into aliinily with judgments. Strong v. Strong, 9 Cush. (Mass) 571.

COMPTE Annizrn. Fr. An account sullen] In Writing, and acknowledged to be ~urI-ect on its face by the party against \\l.inru it is stated. Paschal v. Union Bank of Louisiana, 9 La. Ann. 484.

COMPTER. In Scotch law. An accounting party. COMPTROLLER. A public officer of E

state or municipal corpnratlorr, charged with vermin duties in relation to the fiscal afiairs of the same. principally to examine and all- dlt the accounts of collectors of the prfhlic money. to keep records, and report the finan-



Clal situation from time to time. There are also oiiicers bearing this name in the treas- ury department of the United States.

—CoInptroIle1' in bankruptcy. An officer in England, whose duty it is to receive from the trustee in each bankruptcy bis accounts and periodical statements si.iowin_g the proceedings in the bankruptcy, and also to call the trustce to account for any misicasance, negiect. or omission in the discharge of his dutics. Robs. l’.:rnl<r. 13; Bnnirr. Act 1869. 5 55.—Comptrailers of the hannpex-. In English law. Oiiicers of the court of cbancery; their ofircos were abolished by 5 & 6 Vict c 103.—State comptroller. A supervising officer of revenue in a stale government, whose principal duty is the finai auditing and settling of all claims against the state. State v. Down, 5 Nev. 413.

COMPULSION. Constraint; objective ncceszitv. Forcible inducement to the com- mission of an act. Navigation Co. v. Brown, 100 Pa. 3-16: U. S. v. Kimball (C. C.) 117 Fed. 163: Gates v. Hester, 81 Ala. 357, 1 South. 848.

COMPULSORY, n. In ecclesiastical procedure, a compulsory is a kind of writ to compel the attendance of a witness, to undergo examination. Plrilllrn. Eco. Law, 1258.

COMPULSORY, ad]. Involuntary: forc- ed; coerced by legal process or by force or Statute.

—Compulsory arbitration. That which takes place where the consent of one of the parties is enforced by statutory provi ons. Wood v. Seattle 2% "’ash. 1. 62 Pzrc. 130 52 L. R. A. 369 —Compulsnry nonsuit. An ru- voiuntary nonsuit. See Norvs(rI'r.—Compul- nary payment. One not made voluntarily, but exactcd by duress. threats the enforcement 0! legal process, or unconscion-rbly taking advantage of another. Shaw v. Woodcock. 7 Barn. & C. 73; Becirwitb v. Frisbie. 32 Vt. 5ii"r: State v. Nelson. 41 Minn. 25. 42 N. W. 518. 4

. H 300
Imrrercan v. Buford. 148 ii. S.

581. 13 Sup. Ct. 684. 37 L. Ed. 569.—CoInpu1- so:-y procesl. Process to compel the attend- auce in court of a person wanted there as a niiness or otherwise: including not onlv the ordinary suhptena, but also a warrant of arrest or attachment it needed. Powers v. Cam.. 24 Ky. Law Rep. 1007, 70 S. W. 61-1; Graham v. Slate. 50 Ark. 101. 6 S. W. T31; State V. Natlranicl. -'32 La Ann. 558. 26 South. 100‘?.—- Compulsory sale or purchase. A term sometimes used to chnrlcterize the transfer of title to property unrier the exercise of the pow- er of ernincnt domain. In re Barre Water Ca., (52 Vt. 27. 20 All. 109, 9 L. R. A. 195.

COMPURGATOR. One of several neigh- bors of a person accused of a crime, or charged as a defendant in a civil action, who appeared and swore that they believed him on his oath. 3 Bl. Comm. 341.

COMPUTO. Lat To compute, reckon, or account. Used in the phrases msinzul camprrrnsscnt. "they reckoned together.‘ (see Insnrm'r.:) plane cm1r1)ri1a17it_ "be has frilly accounted," (see PLENE:) quart camputet, "that he account." (see Quon Conn‘-rrrur.)

COMPUTATION. The act of computing. numbering, reckoning, or estimating.