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principal supporters of a particular parish. or habitually meet at the same church for relig- ious exercises. Robertson v. Buiiions, 9 Barb. (N. Y.) 67: ltunkei v. Winemiiier, 4 liar. & .\IcH. (Md) 4 1 Am. Dec 411; In re Waiker. 200 Ill. film, tiral law, this term is used to desiglinle certain bureaus at itonie, where ccciesiasticai matters are attended to.

CONGRESS. In international law. An asst-nib‘ * of envoys, coiiiniissioiiets, dep- uties, etc., from difl'ereut sovereignties who meet to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns.

In American law. The name of the leg- islative assetnbiy of the United States, composed of the senate and house of representatnes, (q. 17.)

CONGRESSUS. The extreme practical test of the truth of a charge of impotence brought against a husband by a wife. it is now disused. Causes Célebres, 6, 183.

CONJECTIO. In the civil law of evidence. A throwing together. rresumiition; the nutting of things together, with the inference drawn therefrom.

CONJECTIO CAUSE. In the clvil law. A statement of the case. A brief synopsis of the case giien by the advomte to the judge in opening the trial. Galvin.

CONJECTURE. A slight degree of cre- iience, nrising from evidence too weak or too remote to cause belief. Weed v. Scotield, ‘'3 Conn. 670, 49 At]. 22.

supposition or surmise. The idea of a fact, suggested by another fact; as a possi- bie cause. concomitant, or result. 'Bnrriil, Circ. Ev. 27.

CONJOINTS. Persons married to each other Story. Confi. L€i'\\S, § 71.

CONJ'IJ'.Dl-IX. associate judge.

In old English law. An Bract. 403.

CONJUGAL RIGHTS. l\IaI:rimouial iiglits; the right which husband and wife have to each other's society, comfort, and a.E1'ection.

CONJIIGIUM. One of the names of marriage, among the Romans. Tayl. Civil Law, 284.

CONJIINCT. In Scotch law. Joint.

CONJUNCTA. In the civil law. Things joineil together or united: as distinguished from iIi,.<ij1mct¢i. things disjoined or separated. Dig. 50. 16. 53.

CONJUNCTIM. Lat. In Old English law. Jointiy. Inst. 2, 20, 8.



CONJUNCTIM ET DIVISIM. L. IAIL In old English law. Jointly and severally.

CONJUNCTIO. In the civil law. Conjunction; connection of words in a sentence. See Dig. 50, 16, 29, 142.

Conjunctio mariti at feminæ est da jure nuturæ. The union of husband and wife is of the law of nature

CONJUNCTIVE. A grammatical term

for p..lil.iCleS which serve for joining or connetting together. Thus, the conjunction "and" is called a "conjunctive," and "or" II "disjunctive," conjunction. —Conjnnctive denial. Where several material_ facts are stated conjuiiclively in lhr compiaint, an answer which undertulus to day their averments as a whole_ Joujnnctivuly our ed. is called a "conjunctive deniai." Doli v. Good, 38 Uni. 2S7.—ConjuncHve obligation. See OBLIGATION.

CONJURATIO. In old English law. A swearing together; an oath administered to several together; a combination or confederacy under oath. Cowell.

In old European law. A compact of the inhabitants of a continune, or municipsiity, confirmed by their oaths to each other and which was the basis of the commune. Steph Lest. 119.

CONJURATION. In Old English law. A piot or cuiuniict made by persons combining by oath to do any pnbiic harm. Coiveil.

The offense of having conference or cum- merce with evil spirits, in order to discover some secret, or effect some purpose. Id. Classed by Blackstone with witchcraft. ecnliantment, and sorcery, but distinguished from each of these by other W' 4 Bl. Coniui. 60; Cowell. Oooper v. Livingston 19 Fla. GUS

CONJURATOR. In old English jaw. One who sWeurs or is sworn with others: one hound by o:ith with others: a CuIn[)l.ll'- gator: a conspirator.

CONNECTIONS. Relations by blood or marriage, but more commonly the reintlou of a person with whom one is connected by marriage. 111 this sense, the reiations of a wife are "('onnections" of her hnsiiand. The term is vague and indefinite. See Storer v. Wheatiey, 1 Pa. 597.

coNN1:x1'ri?:. In FI‘cD(‘ll law. This ex- ists when two actions are pending which although not irlenticai as in lik pcndcns, are so nearly similar in object that it is expedi- ent to have them both adjudicated upon by the same judges. Arg. Fr. Mei-c. Law. 553

CONNIVANCI-I. The secret or indirect consent or permission of one person to the commission of an unlawful or criminal act