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to determine civil fights and a court of revenue to enrich the tll:fl.Sl.ll‘). It "as finally abolished by St. 16 Car. I. c. 10. to the general satisfaction oftbe whole nation. Brown.

COURT OF THE STEWARD AND MARSHAL. A high court, i_formerl_y' heid in England by the steuard and marshal of ,tbe king's household. haiing Jurisdiction of ail actions against the king's peace within the lounds of the household for twelve miles, which circuit was caiied the "verge." Crabb. Eng. Law, 135. It had also Jurisdiction of actions of debt and covenant, where both the parties were of the household. 2 Reeve, Eng. Law, 235. 247.

COURT OF THE STEWARD OF THE KING'S HOUSEHOLD. In English law. A court which had Jurisdiction of all cases of treason, misprision of treason. murder, manslaughter, bloodshed, and other mall- cious striicings whereby blood is shed. occurring in Dr isithin the limits of any of the pniaces or houses of the king, or any other bouse where the royal person is abiding. It vs as crezilcd by statute 33 Hen. VIII. c. 12, but long since fell into disuse. 4 Bl. Comm. 276. 277, and notes.

COURT OF SURVEY. A court for the hearing of appesis by owners or masters of ships. from orders for the detention of unsafe ships, made by the English board of trade, under the merchant shipping act, 1870, § 6.

COURT OF SWEINMOTE. In old Englisb law. One of the forest courts, bavlng ii somewhat similar jurisdiction to that of the court of attachments, (q. 12.‘;

COURTS OF THE UNITED STATES comprise the following: The senate of the United States, sitting as a court of impeach- ment; the supreme court; the circuit courts; the circuit courts of appeals; the district courts; the supreme court and court of appi-als of the District of Columbia; the territorial court the court of claims; the court of private land claims; and the customs court. See the several fitles.

COURTS OF THE UNIVERSITIES of Oxford and Cambridge have Jurisdiction in all personal actions to vibich any member or servant of the respective university is a party, provided that the cause of action arose within the liberties of the unlveisity, and that the member or servant "as resi- dent in the university when it arose, and when the action was brought. 3 Stepli. Comm. 299; St. 25 & 26 Vlct c. 26, § 12; St. 19 & 20 Vlct. c. 17. Each university court also has a criminal jurisdiction in aJl offenses committed by its members. 4 Steph. Comm. 325.



COURT OF WARDS AND LIVERIE5. A court of record. established in Emdsud in the reign of Henry VilI. For the sur- vey and ninnngcincnt of the vnliinhle fits of tenure, a court of record ""15 crelfld by St 32 Hen. \ III. c. 46, called the "lhllt of the -King's Wards." To this 'IV:A.i niinnaud, by St. 33 Hen. VIII. c. 22, the "Court of llyeries;" so that it then became the "Court of Wards and Livcries" 4 Reeve. & Law, 258. This court was not only for ti‘ management of "wards," properly Su coiled. but also of idiots and naturai fools in the king's custodv, and for licenses to be grunted to the kings widows to marry, and an to be made for m.-i.ri'§'ing without his linme. Id. 259 It was abolished by St. 12 Car. II. c. 24. Crabb. EnK- haw. 46:5.

COURTS OF WESTMIIWSTEB HALL. The superior courts, both of law and equity, were for centuries fixed at Westniimux, an ancient palace of the lI|0I1Illl.llS of li‘.u;,~Iiud. Formeriy, all the superior coui ts wel'£~ hnbi before the king's czipltai justiuary of lingland. in the sum regis, or such of his palace: wherein his royal person resided, and removed with his household from one end of the kingdom to another. This was found to or- casion great inconvenience to the suitors, to remedy which it "as made an arlide of the great charter of liberties, both of King John and King Henry III., that "common pleas should no longer follow the king‘: court, but be held in some certain place," in consequence of which they have ever since been held (a few necessary l‘el.E|O\'.llS in time: of the plague excepted) in the palace of West- minster only. The courts of equity also sit at Westminster, nominally, during term time, although, actually, only during the hint day of term, for they generally sit in courts provided for the puipose in, or in the neigh- borhood of, Lincoln's Inn. Brown.

COURT ROLLS. The rolls of a niaiinr, containing all acts relating thereto. While beioming to the lord of Llie manor, they are not in the nature of public books [or II)! benefit of the tenant

COURTESY. See Cuarnsx.

COUSIN. Kindred in the fourth degree. being the issue {male or female) of the brother or sister of one's father or mother.

Those who descend from the brother or sister of the father of the person spoken of are called "paternal cousins ;" "maternal cousins" are those who are descended from the brothers or sisters of the mother. Cousins-gerinan are first cousins. Sanderson V. Bayley. 4 Myl. & C. 59.

In English writs, commissions, and other for mal instruments issued by the croun, the imi-Il signifies any peer of the degree of an eari. The uppuilafion is as ancient as the reign of Hear: IV., who, being related or aliicd to every can then in the kingdom, acknowledged that camiso-