Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/315

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title was also applied to a variety of public officers in Roman adiniiiistrailve law. spronle v. Davies, 69 App. Div. 502, 75 N. l’. Supp. 229.

In Scotch law. Iilli.

In Louisiana. A person appointed to take care of the estate of an absentee. Civil Code La. art. 50.

In Missouri. The term "curator" has lcen adopted from the civil law, and it is applied to the gl1ilI'l].i:ll1 of the estate of the ward as distinguished from the guardian of his person. Duncan v. Crook, 49 Mo. 117.

—Cura.tnr nd him. In the civil law. A for this purpose; a S1)t‘(.‘il1i gu.-irdin -Cnx'atol' ad litem. Guardian for the s in English law, th coirespoiiding pbl'.iSe is 'iui1i‘di'zin ad Elem.’ Curator Imnis. In the mill law. A guardian or trustee appointed to like care of proper 131; in certain cases; as for the beucht of creditors. Dig. 42, 7. In Scotch law. The term is applied to guardians for n1i- nors, luuatics, elc.—Cura.to1-es via;-um. Sur ieyurs of the highways.

The term means a guard-

CURATORSHIP. The office of a cura- I.ur. Cur:itoi-ship (liifers from tuturship, (q. i..) in this: that the latter is instituted for the pi utection of property in the first place, iilid, secondly, of the person; while the former is intended to protect, first, the person, illid secondly, the property. 1 Lec. El. Dr.

'i\". Rom. 241.

CURATRIX. A woman who has been appointed to the oihce of curator; a fcmaie guardian. Cross’ Curatrlx v. Gross’ Legzitees, i GIRL (Va.) 257.

Cm-atus non hnbet tituluxn. A curate [his no title. [to tithes.] 3 Bulst. 310.

CURE BY VERDICT. The rectiflcatiou or reiideiing nugaitory of a defect in the |-!e.idii.,.s by the rendition of a verdict; the IU .|'[ uiil presume, after 11 verdict, that the 1-.ii~ticulur thing omitted or defectlvely stated in the pleiuliugs was duly proved at the trial. state 7. Keeua 63 Conn. 29, 28 At]. .)‘_-; .iiiord v. liolier. 53 Iud. 2i9; Ti-euuor v. lloughtoi; 103 CaL 53. 36 Puc. 1081.

CURE OF SOULS. In ecclesiastical luw. ‘line ecclesiastical or spiritual charge of a parish, iucliiding the uud re;;ul:\i' du- lilf of a minister in charge. State v. Bray, .;5 N. C. 290.

CURFEW. An institution supposed to liuve been introduced i.uto England by order of Williatu the Cl)Ll(]llI.‘I'0l‘, which consisted in the ringing of a hell or belis at eight .-'-iucl: at night, at which signal the people ware required to extinguish all lights in their -hrelllugs, and to put out or raiie up their tires, and retire to rest, and all companies to disperse. The word is probably derixed from the French couvre fan, to cover the fire.



CURIA. In old European law. A court. The palace. household, or retinue of a sovereign. A judicial tribunal or court held in the sovei-eign’s palace. A court of justice. The civil power, as distinguished from the ect-iesi ticul. A manor; a nobleman‘s house; the hall of a manor. A piece of ground attached to a. house: a yard or C(ilil'L-yiifd. Spelmun. A lord's court held in his manor. The tenants who did suit and service at the lord court. A mzinse. Cow- ell.

In Roman law. A division of the Roman puople, said to have been made by Itoinulus. They were divided into three tribes, and each tribe into ten ouriw, making thirty Curio: in all. Speinian.

The place or building in which each curm assembled to otter sacied rites.

The place of meeting or the Roman senate; the senate house.

The senate house of a province: the place


where the dcvurioncs assembled. God. 10, E

31, 2. See DECUB10.

—Crn-in admiralitatis. The court of admlru nlty.—Cu1-in Inn-unis, or bin-onnm. In old English law. A court-bnrun. Flt-ta. lib. 2, c. 5_d.—Cux-In Gin-Istisnitatis. The ecclesiastical court.—CurIa. coinitatua. The county court, (a. u.)—Cu.rin cnrans nqnie. A court held by the lord of the manor of Griivesend for the better management of barges and boats plying on the river Thames beta een Gravesend and Windsor, and also at Gravesend bridge, etc. 2 Gm. II. c. E‘(i.—CI:irin damini. In old English law. The lord's court. house, or hall, where all the t9H.ll:|is mot at the time of heaping court. Cowell.—Cru-in logitime afi1-mato. A phrase used in old Scotch records to show Ihnt the court was opened in due and law- ful miiuner.—Cu1-Ia xnagnn. In old English law The gruit court; one of the oncicnt names of pnriiament.—Cnria major-is. In nhl L‘ii, law. The mayor's court. Ciiith. ]=H.—Curiia militum. A court so called, acnii-nriv hild at (‘orisbrooli Castle. in the Isle of \\ igiil‘. (‘oweli.—CIn'in palatii. The pai- nce court It was abolished by 12 & ‘I3 Vict c. i0‘l.—CIIrIn. pcdis pulverizsiti. In old Enclisii law. The court of 1)!-('d]l0illi‘i‘€ or pic- fit/u(l(*1‘-K . 0.) 3 Bl. (‘onim ;_i‘_’.—Cnr-is ‘penticianun. A court held by the siieriif of ('iicst9r, in a ‘|'iI.'i\"l‘ ihr-re called the "I’cndi'oe" or "['en!z're :" [)X‘0i.I.\iily it was so called from heing (7l'iL'ili."i"_V hold under 11 rn.=m-house, or opcn shed covered with blIl1l'iiS. Bioiinl —Cririn personm. In oizi records. A pui'soii'igi--iiniise, or munse. (‘owe-ii.—Cnria regis. Tiie l{in;':'s court. A term applied to the shin regia, the banana, or commiuuis barman, and the itrr or gyro, as being courts of the king, but especially to the auto regis. (which title see.)


CURIA ADVISARI VULT. L. Illt. The court will advise: the court will consider. A phrase frequently found in the reports. signifying the resolution of the court to suspend jui1,.-nient in a cause, after the argu- i‘ cut, until they have deiiboiuli-(1 upon the «pie-stlou, us Where there is :1 new or dlllicult point involved. it is commonly abbrevi- ated to our, adv. 1111", or c, a. v.

Cnria cancellariaa nflicinu. justitim. 2 Inst. 5-72. The court of Chancery is the work- shop of Justire.