Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/316

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CURIA CLAUDENDA. The name of a writ to compel another to make a fence or wall, which he was bound to tualie, between his land and the plaintiffs. Reg. Orig. 155. Now obsolete.

Cur-in. pnx-liamenti suis pr-op:-ii: legibni subsistit. 4 Inst. 50. The court of parlia- ment is governed by its own laws.

GURIALITY. In Scotch law. Curtesy. Also the privileges, prerogatives, or, perhaps, retinue, of a court.

Crtriosa et captiosa interpretatio in legs repl'oIm.trt1'. A curious [overnice or subtle] and captions i.ul;erpretaI.1on ls repro- buted in law. 1 Bulst. 6.

GURNOCK. In old English law. A meas- ure containing four bushels or half a. quarter of corn. Cowell; Blount.

CURRENCY. Coiued money and such bank-notes or other paper money as nre authorized by law and do in fact circuiate from hand to hand as the medium of exchange. uriswoid v. Hepburn, 2 Duv. ( 33; Leonard v. State, 115 Ala. 80, 22 buuth. 564; Insurance Co. v. Keirun, 27 11. 505; Insur- ance Co. v. Kupfcr, 28 Ill. 3 81 Am. Dec. 284; Lackey v. Miller. 61 N. C.

CURRENT. Running; now in transit; whatever is at present in course of passage; as "the current month." When applied to money, it means "lawful ;" current money is equivalent to lawful money. "liarton V. Morris, 1 Dali. 124. 1 L. Ed. 65.

—-Current account. An open, running, or unsettled account between two parties. Tuck- er v. Qulmby, 37 Iowa. 19; Franklin v. Camp, 1 N. J. Law. 196; WilsoI1 v. Culvert, 1S \l1\. 274.—Gru_~1-ent expenses. Ordinary. regular, and COl].[ll2lIlil'lg expenditures for the mainte- nance of property, the carrying on of an offite, nun.1i(.'ipui government, etc. Sheldon 17. Partly 17 Wash. 135, 49 Mm. 223; State v. Board of Etlucation. (38 N. J. Law. 490, 53 Atl. Z336; Ilalucock v. Goodrich, 47 Cal. 510.—Cu.1-rent funds. This phrase means gold or silver, or something equivalent thereto, and convertible at pleasure into coined money. Bull vEdBank, L.

123 U. S. 105. 8 S12). Ct. (32 31 . 97; Lucy v, Holbrook. .-‘\la. 90: Haddock v. Woods, 46 Iowa, 3’»3.—Crtx'x'ent money. The

currency of the country; whatever is intended to and dnes actually circulate as trnrrpncy; even‘ spcdcs of coin or currency. Miller v. McKinney, 5 Don (Tcnn,.) 96. In this phrase the adjective "current" is not synonymous with "convertible? It is employed to describe mocny which passes from hand to hand. from pcb son to person, and circnlntcs through the cornmnnity, and is generally received Money is current which is received as money in, the com- mon husim-ss transactions, and is the common medium in barter and trade. Stnlworili v. Blum_ 4‘! Ala 321.—Current price. This term means the some as "market value." (‘rises of (‘h.-invpagnrv. 23 Fed Cas. 1]68.—Cnrz-ent value. The current value of imported cum- mo-rlitics is tbt-ir lOlIi|Tl0l.] market price at ‘he place of exportation. nitlmnt reforcnce to the price actually paid by the importer. Tnppan



V. U. S., 23 Fed. Cas. 690.—Cur'x-ertt wager. Such as are paid pefiodically, or from time to time as the services are rendered or the war‘! is performed; more particularly, wages for current prriod, hence not including: such as an pust-due. Sydnor v. Galveston (Tex. llpp.) 1.’.

. W. .. _; Bank v. ‘uraham (Tn Appl ‘.3! S. "V. 1101; Bell v. Live 5'lo<k Co. (Tl :.'I 11 S. XV. 346, 3 L. R. A. Z—Crtrrent yult. The yn-zr now running. Doe v. Dobcll, 1 .\ ird. & El. 906; Clark v. lnncaster Counlw. (S9 Neh. 717, 96 N. W. 593»

CURRICULUM. The year; of the course of a year; the set of studies for a paiticulur period, appointed by a. university.

CUEEIT QUATUOR PEDIBUS. L. Lat. It runs upon four feet; or, as sometimes expressed. it runs upon all fours. A phrase used in arguments to signify the entire and exact application of a case quoted. "It does not follow that they run qmzlunv pedibus." 1 W. B1. 145.

Curl-it ternpnu contra decides at uni jun-in contemptor-mt. 'Ilme runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights. Bract. fois. 100b, 101.

CURSITOR BARON. An officer of the court of exchequer, who is appointed by putent under the great seal to be one of the bar- ons of the exchequer. The office was abolished by St. 19 & 20 Vlct. c. 86.

UURSITORS. Clerks in the chanrery offlce, whose duties consisted in drawing up those -writs which were of course, do cunt. whence their name. They were abolished by St. 5 8; 6 Wm. IV. 1'. 82. Spence, Eq. Jar %8; 4 Inst. 82.

CURSO. In old records. A ridge. Cursones terrw, ridges of land. Cowell.

CURSOR. pal court.

An Interior oflcer or the pn-

Cursus cu:-he est lax urn-he. 3 Bulst. 53. The practice of the court is the law oi the court.

GURTESY. The estate to which ihy com- mon law a. man is entitled, on the death of his wife, in tho lands or tenements of whiz‘; she was selsed in possession in fee-simple M ln tail during her coverture, provided my have had lawful issue born alive whithm 1 I have been capable of inheriting the es'l'»~. It is a freehold estate for the telm of in natural life. 1 Washh. Real Prop. 127; 2 Bl. (‘omm. 126; C0. Litt. Pllu; Du ‘r r Tualson, 180 M0. 548, 70 S. W. 420. i013 Alli. St Rep. 580; Valentine v. Hutchinson. 46 Misc. Rep. 314, 88 N. Y. Snpp. Sliz: Redus v. Hayden. 43 Miss. 614; Biiibugs v. Brilr-=I. 98 Barb. (N. Y.) 343; Tompletnn v. Twilvr 88 Ten. 595, 14 S. W. 435; Jackson v. John-