Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/438

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specifically." "designated," or "expressly named or granted;" as in speaking or "enunciated" governmental powers. items of property, or articles in a tariff schedule.

See Bloomer v. Todd. 3 Wash. T. 599. 19

I':1C. 135. i L. R. A. 111; "’011‘f v. U. S., 71 Fed, 291 18 C. C. A. 41; San Francisco V. l'uniiiI3. 93 Cal 465. 29 Pac. (56; Cutting V. ('iil.tiiig, 20 I-Inn, 365.

Enumeratio infii-mat regulzun in casi- lms non enumez-atts. Enumeration disaf- [iruis the rule in cases not enumerated. Bac. Apli. 17.

Enuuneratio uniu: est exclnsio alte- rins. The specification of one thing is the exclusion of a different thing. A maxim more generally expressed in the form "ew- pressia uniiis est mclusio alte7~ius," (q. 1;.)

ENUMERATORS. Persons appointed to collect census papers or schedules. 33 S: 3-1 Vict. C. 105. § 4.

ENURE. To operate or take effect. To serve to the use. heneflt, or advantage of a person. A release to the tenant for life miures to him In reversion; that is, it has the same el‘1"ect for him as for the tenant for life. Often written "inure."

ENVOY. In international law. A pub- lic nimister of the second class, ranking next after an ambassador.

Emoys are either ordinary or extraordi- ua by custom the latter is held in greater Cons Lleratjon.

EO DIE. same day.

Lat. On that day; on the

EO INSTANT]-1. Int. At that instant; nt the very or same instant: immediately, 1 Bl (‘nn1ui. 1.00. 2-19: 2 B1 Comm. 168; Co, Litt. '_’§|SIt; 1 Cake. 13.

EO INTUTTU. Lat. "lith or in that view; with that intent or ohject. Hale, Anal. 5 2.

EO LOCI. Lat In the civil law. In that state or condition: In that place. (so 1060.) Calvin.

EO NOMINE. Lat. Under that name; by that :l1'\|)(‘i]iltIDn. l"cri'n.dc rw si es nomi- rm tilii trmfita fziissrt. just as If it had been delivered to you by that name. Inst. 2, I. 43. A common phrase in the boolis.

Eodem ligamine qno ligatum est dis. mlvitm-. A bond is released by the same formalities with which it is contracted. Co. Litt. 212D; Broom, Max. 891.

Endem mode qua quid constituihu'_ dissolritur. In the manner in which [by the same mean:sby which] a thing is constituted, is it dissolved. 6 Coke, 53b.

EORLE In Saxon law. An earl.

EOTH; In saxDn1nw_ Au oath

EPIDEMIC. This term. in its ordi :iry and popular meaning, applies to any disease which 15 Widely spread or generally preuiiling at a given place and time. Pflillliski r. Mntunl L. Ins. Co.. 36 N. Y. Super. Ct. 234.

EPILEPSY. In medical jui'ispruilcnce A disease of the hraln, which occurs in par- oxysros with nncertaln intervals between them.

The disease is generally organic. thou-,zl. it may be functional and symptomatic of i .1- tion in othcr parts of the built. ’l'h:»- nttflkii is characterized by loss of consciousness. sudden falling down. distortion of the eyes and face. grimlim: or gnnshing of the teeth. steriir tiun, and more or less severe muscular spasms or convulsions. Epilepsy. though a di-4i-nse of the hrain. is not to be re garded as a form of insanity. in the sense that a person thus afliicred can be said to be permuncntiv insane, for there may be little or nn mental aberration in the intervals between the attacks.

SB brain being gradually more and more damaged in its functions in the intervals of attack, and the memory and intellectual powers in general becoming enfeebled, leading to a greatly impaired state of mental t-flit-inncy, or to dementia, or a condition bordering on imbecility. Soc Aurcnlz \- Andcrson. 3 Pittsb. R (Pu) ."

Sun Mutiml Ins. Co.. 2 Cash. I —'.Hystero-epilepsy. Aconrlitio ' itiated h_v an apparently mild attack of coumlsne hvsteria. followed by an epilcptiform convulsion, and surcer-rlerl by a p(‘l'ind of "clownism" ifislrr) in which the patient assumes a rmnnrkallle series of droll conlortions or catalcptic posrs: sometimes simuinting attitudes expressive oi various passions, as. fear. joy. erntiam. etc. The [inn] slnge is one of delirium vsith unusual hallilcinatinns The attack dilfnrs from true epilepsy in that the (‘0D\ ulsions may continue without serious result for several succi-ssiu; davs. Wilii(‘ true epilepsy, if persistent. is al- ways serious, associated with fever, and fre- quently falai.

EPIIVIENIA. Expenses or gifts. Blount.

EPIPI-IANY. A Christian fcstiral. otheruise called the "Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles." oLser\‘ed on the 6th of Janu- ary, in honor of the lI]J]J(‘ilI‘llIlL(3 of the Sill!‘ to the three magi, or wise men, who came to adore the Messiah, and bring him pi-cseiits.

It is commonly called "Twelfth Day." Enc. Loud. EPIQUEYA. In Spanish law. A term

synonymous with "equity" in one of its senses, and deliiied as "the beuignant mid prurient inte1'pretation of the law according to the circumstances of the time. place, and person."