Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/546

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colonial legislature of Massachusetts grew out of the genersl court or meeting of the Massa- chusetts Compiiny. Cent. Dict. See Citizens’ Sav. & Loan Ass'n v. Topeka, 20 Wall. 666, 22 L. Ed. 45.'3.—Genern.l credit. The char- acter of a witness as one generally worthy of credit. According to Bouvier, there is a distinction between this and "particular credit," nhich may be alfected by proof of particular facts relating to the particular action. See I’.--niis v. Kyle, 5 Ahh. Prac. (N. S.) (N. Y.) ‘.?::.':.—General field. Several distinct lots or pieces of land inclost-d and fenced in as one l'Dlnl|ItIn field. Mansfield v. Eiziwkes, 14 Mass. 440.-General inclnsni-e net. The statute 41 Geo. ill. c. 100, which consolidates a number of regulations as to the inclosiire of com- mon fields and waste lands.—Geue1-nl interest. In speaking of matters of public and general interest, the terms "public" and "general" are sometimes used as synonyms. But in re- gard to the admissibility of heaisay evidence, a distinction has been taken between them, the term "public" being strictiy applied to that which concerns every member of the state, and the term "general" being confined to a lesser, though stiil a considerable, portion of the community. Tayl. Ev. § 609.—Geuex-nl land- office. In the United States, one of the biir- oans or the interior department, which has charge of the survey, saic, granting of patents. and other matters relating to the pnhlic lands.

As to general "Acceptance," "Administration," "Agent," "Appearance," "Assignineut," "Average," "Benelit," "Challenge." "Character," "Oharge." "Covenant," "Creditor," "Castom." "Dzimages," "Deinnrrer," "Denial," "Deposit," "Devise," "Election," "Execution," "Executor," "Finding," "b‘un(1," "Gaol Delivery," "Guardinn," "Imparlance," "Insurance," "Intent." "Issuc," "Jurisdict:lon," "L:iw," "Letter of Credlt," "Lien." "Mal- Meeting," "l\ionition," "Mortgage," "Occupant." "0rders," "0wner," "Partnershlp," "Power," "Property." "Replication," "Restraint of Trade," "Retainer," "Return Day," "Rules," "Sessions," "Ship." "Statute," "Tail," "Tennnr:y." ‘1‘erm," ‘-Traverse," "Us- age," "Verdict," "Warrant," and "Warranty,"



Generalls specialihns nun derogaiit. Jenk. Cent. 120, cited L. R. 4 Exch. 225 General words do not derogate from speclnl.

Gencralla. aunt: prmponenda singulari- bus. Branch, Princ. General things are to precede particular things.

Generaliu verbs. aunt generaflter intelligeuda. General words are to be understood generally, or in :1 general sense. 3 last 76: Broom, Max. 647.

Generalibus speeialla derogant. Speci:ii things take from generals. Elaik. Lat. Max. 51.

Geuernlis clausuln. nnu pox-rlgitur all an quaa antes specialiter aunt compre- heusa. A general clause does not extend to those things which are previously provided for specially. 8 Coke, 15-lb. Therefore, where a deed at the first contains special words, and nfterwai-d.s concludes in general words, both words, as well as special, shall stand.

Generalis regala. generaliter est: intelligemla. A gs-nei-ail rule is to be understood generally. 6 Coke, 65.

GENERALS OF ORDERS. Chiefs of the several orders of monks, ti-iiirs, and other religions societies.

GENERATIO. The issue or offspring of a mother-monastery. Cowell.

GENERATION. May mean either a de- gree of removal in computing desc-cuts, or a single succession of living helngs in natural descent. l\Icl\Iili:in v. School Committee, mi N. C. 609. 12 S. E. 330, 10 L. R. A. S23.

S29 muse fit1e5_ GENERJOSUS. Lat. Gentleman; a gentleman. Spelman. GEITERAITE. The nsual in a " Cowcil; 2 Inst.

religious house, distinguished from picturi- Hm, which on extraordinary occasions were auowed beyond the commons. Cowell. Generals " generaliter est inter- yretflndnmu A generzii expression is to be interpreted generally. 8 Coke, 11611.

Geuernle nihil certum hnplicat. A genela] e\*pi-ession implies nothing certain. 2

Coke, 3-lb. A general recital in a deed has not the effect of an estoppel. Best, Ev. p. 408, § 370.

Generals tantiun valet: in generalihnn, quantum singulare in ningalis. What ls general is of as much force among general things as what is particular is among things particular. 11 Coke, 59!).

Gencralin pr-zcednnt, specialia sequuntni-. Things general precede, things special follow. Reg. }3rev.: Branch, Princ.

Gem UU3.—-Gellerosi filius. 'ihe son of a gentleman. Generally abbreviated "gen. fll."

GENICULUM. A degree of consanguin- ity. Spelman.

G]-INS. Lat. In Roman law. A tribe or clan; a group of families, connected by com- mon descent and hearing the same name. bu.» log all freehorn and or tree ancestors, and in possession of full civic rights.

G]-JNTES. Lat. People Contra ormxca gmitcs. against all people. Br.-ict. fol. 3712. Words used in the clause of warranty in oid deeds.

GENTILES. In Roman law. The members of a gens or common ti-lbe.

GENTLEMAN. In English law. A person or snperior birth.

Under the denomination of "geutlemcn" an comprised all above yeonian: whereby noble-