Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/580

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HIGHWAYMAN. A bandit; one who robs travelers upon the highway.

HIGLIZR. In English law. A hawker or peddler. A person who carries from door to door, and sells by retail, small articles of provisions, and the like.

HIGUELA. In Spanish law. A receipt given by an heir of a decedent. setting forth what property he has received from the estate.

HIKENILD STREET. One of the four great Roman roads of Britain. More com- monly cnlied "Ikenild Street."

HIZLAEY RULES. A collection of orders and forms extensively modifying the plead- tng and practice in the English superior courts of common law. established in Hilary term, 1834. Stimson.

HILARY TERDL In English law. A tenn of court, begining on the 11th and ending on the 31st of January in each year. Superseded (1875) by Hilary sittings, which begin January '11th, and end on the Wednes- day before Easter.

EINDENI HOMINES. A society of men. The Saxons ranked men into three classes, and vaiued them, as to satisfaction for in- juries, etc., according to their class. The highest class were valued at 1,200s., and were called "twelf hindmenf’ the middle class at 600s., and called "se:vh17Ldmen,"' the lowest at 2005., called "t-:01/II.indmen." Their wives were termed "Marius." Brompt. Leg. Alfred. c. 12.

'HINDER AND DELAY. To hinder and delay is to do something which is an attempt to defraud. rather than a successful fraud; to put some obstacle in the path, or interpose some time, unjustifiably, before the creditor can realize what is owed out of his debtor’s property. See Walker v. Sayers, 5 Bush (Ky) 53 , Bardick v. Post, 12 Barb. (N. H.) 186; Crow v. Beardsley, 68 Mo. 439: Burnha.m v. Brennan, 42 N. 1. Super. CL 63.

HINDU LAW. The system of native law prevailing among the Gentoos, and administered by the government of British India.

HINE, or HIND. husbandry servant.

In old English law. A

HWEFARE. In old English law. The loss or departure of a servant from his master. Domesday.

EIPOTECA. In Spanish law. A mort- gage of real property.




HIRE, 1:. To purchase the temporary use of a thing, or to stipulate for the labor or services of another. See Hlnrrze.

To engage in service for a stipulated re- ward as to hire a servant for a year, or

laborers by the day or month; to engage a '

man to temporary service for wages. To "employ" is a word of more enlarged signification. A man hired to labor is employed. but a man may be employed in a work who is not hired. Mccluskey v. Cromwell. 11 N. 1'. 605.

For definitions of the various species of this class of contracts. under their Latin names, see Locarro and following titles.

111111}, 7». Compensation for the use at a thing, or for labor or services. Carr v. State, 50 Ind. 180; Learned-Letcher Lumber Co. v. Fowler. 109 Ala. 169, 19 South. 396.

Ii1'R.EM.AN. A subjecL Du Gauge.

Ii1'R.ER. One who hires a thing, or the labor or services of another person. Turner v. Cross, 83 Tex. 218, 18 S. W. 578, 15 L R. A. 262.

HIRING. Hiring is a contract by which one person grants to another either the en- joyment of a thing or the use of the labor and industry, either of himself, or his serv- ant, during a certain time, for a stipulated compensation, or where one contracts for the labor or services of another about a thing bailed to him for a specified purpose. Code Ga. 1882, 5 2085.

Hiring is a contract by which one gives to another the temporary possession and rise of property. other than money, for reward, and the latter agrees to return the same to the former at a future time. Civ. Code Cal. 5 1925; Giv. Code Dak. 5 1103. Synonyms. "Hirin,r;" and "borrowing" are both contracts by which a qualified propeny may be transferred to the hirer or borrower. and they differ only in this, that hiring is al- ways for a price, stipend, or recompense, while borrowing is merely gratuitous. 2 Bl. Comm. €33 2(l;Ieel v. State. 33 Tex. Cr. R. 408. 26 S.

Ii1'R.S'1‘, HURST. A wood. Co. Litt. 412.

In old English law.

EIS. The use of this prononn in a written instrument, in referring to a person wbose Christian name is designated therein by a mere initial, is not conclusive that the person referred to is a male; it may be shown by parol that the person intended is a female. Berniand v. Beecher, 71 Cal. 38, 11 Pac. 802.

HIS EXCELLENCY. In English law. The title of a viceroy, governor general, am- hassador, or commander in chief.

In American law. This title is given to the governor of Massachusetts by the constitution of that state; and it is commonly giv-