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Y.) 234: Garrison v. Burden, 40 Ala. 516; McDonald v. Brown. 28 R. I. 546, 51 ML 213, 53 L. R. A. 768. 91 Am. St. Rcp. J; Marton v. Weslern [‘uion Tel. Co.. 130 N. C. 200,

1 S. E. 48-l; Willian1s v. Williams, 20 C010. 51. 37 Pac. 614: Hood v. Sudderth, 111 N. C. 215, 18 S. E. 397.

INJUSTICE. The withholding or denial of Justice. In law, almost invariably applied to we act. fault, or omission or a court, as distinguished from that of an 1ndividuaL See Holton v. Olcott 58 N. H. 598; In re Monlton, 50 N. H. 532.

‘Fr:uid" is deception practised by the party; "injustice" is the fault or error of the court. They are not equivalent words in substance, or in a statute authorizing a new trial on n shoning of fraud or injustice. Fraud is‘ al- ways (he result of contrivance and deception; injnsiiie may be done by the negligence, mistake, or omission of the court itself. Silvey V. U. S., 7 Ct. Cl. 32-1.

Injnatnm est, nie! tots. lega Inspects, de nun clique ejns particuln proposita judjcare vel rerpondere. S Coke, 117D. It is unjust to decide or respond as to any particular part of a law without examining the whole of the law.

INLAGARE. In old English law. To restore to protection of law. To restore a man from the condition of outlawry. Opposed to utlngare. Bract. lib. 3. tr. 2, c. 14, § 1: Du Cange.

INLAGATION. Restoration to the protection of law. Restoration from a candl- tion of outlawry

INLAGH. tection; contrary to -utlagh, an outlaw. ell.

A person within the law's pro- Cow-

INLAND. Within a country, state, or territory; within the same country.

In old English law, inland ans used for the demesue (q. 4:.) of a manor: that part which lay next or most convenient for the lord's niansion-house, as within the View thereof, and which, therefore, he kept in his own hands for support of his family and for hospitality: in distinction from outland or ntland, which was the portion let out to tenants. Cowell; Kennett; Spelman.

—Inland bill of exchange. A hill of which both the drawer and drawee reside within the same state or country. Otherwise called a "domestic hill," and distinguished from a "foreign hill." Buckner v. Finley, 2 Pet. 589. 7 L. Ed. 528: Lonsdale v. Brown. 15 Fed. Cas. 557: Strawhmlge v. Robinson, 10 Ill. 47" 50 Am. Dec. 420).—Inland navigation. Within the meaning of the legislation of congress upon the subject, this phrase means navigation upon the rivers of the country, but not upon the great lakes. Moore v. American Transp. Co., 24 How. 3. 6 L. Ed. (374: The "War Eagle. 6 Biss. 36-1, Fed. Cas. No. 17.173; The Garden City (D. C.) 26 Fed. 773.—Inland trade. Trade "holly carried on at home; as distinguished from commerce, (which see.)- Inland waters. Such waters as canals, lakes, rivers, water-courses, inlets and boys, exclu- sive of the open see, though the water in question may open or em ty into the ocean. United_States v. Steam essels of \\ or, 106 U. S. 601. 1 Sup. t. 339. 27 L. Ed. ‘_"~‘l3: 'l‘he Cotton Plnnt 10 Wall. 581, 19 L. Ed. 983: (‘ops $71}: v. Chubb, 1 App. Div. 93. 30 N. r. Supp.

INLANTAL, INLANTALE. Deniesne or inianil. opposed to delantal, or land teuantcd. Cowell.

DVLAUGI-IE. Sax. In old English law. Under the law_ (sub log/6,) in a frank-pledge. or decennary. Bract. foL 1250.

INLAW. To place under the protection of the law. "Swearing obedience to the king in a leet, which doth inluw the subjec-.." Bacon.

INLEASED. In old English law. Entangled, or ensnared. 2 Inst. 247; Cowell; Blount.

INLIGARE. In old European law. To confederate; to join in a league, (in liyani coire.) Speh.nn.n.

INMATE. A person who lodges or dwells in the same house with another, occupying different rooms, but using the same door for

passing in and out of the house. Webster; Jacob. INN. An inn is a house where a travelei

is furnished with everything which he has occasion for while on his Way. Thompson 1'. Lucy, 3 Barn. £2 Ald. 2S7; Winterinnte V. Clark, 5 Saudi’. (N. Y.) 2-12; Walling v. Pot ter, 35 Conn. 185. And see HOTEL.

Under the term "inn" the law includes all taverns, hotels, and houses of public general entertainment for guests. Code Ga. 1852, : 2114.

The words "inn," "tavern," and "hotel" are used synouymonsly to designate "list is oriii norily and popularly known as an "iun" or "tavern," or place for the entertainment oi trzivelcrs, and where all their wants can be supplied. A restaurant where meals only ari- furnished is not an inn or tavern. Pi-onle V. Jones, 5-} Rarb. (N. Y.) 311: Carpenter V. Tavlor. 1 Hilt. (N. Y.) 193. .

An inn is distingzuishi-(l from a private boarding-house mainly in this: that the keeper of the latter is at liberty to choose his guests while the innkeener is obliged to entertain an furnish all travelers of good conduct and mean.- of payment with what they may have occasion for, as such travelers, uhiie on their way ginkeéggn v. Woudward, 33 Cal. 557, 91 Am

ec. 1

The distinction between a boarding-house an-l an inn is that in the former the guest is under an express contract for a certain time at a certain rate; in the latter the guest is entertained from day to day upon an implied cox tract. Willard v. Reinhardt, 2 D. D. Suiii» (N. Y.) 148.

—Com1non inn. A house for the entertainment of travelers and passengers. in which lodging and ncccssiarics are provided for them and for their horses and attcntlaats. (‘i-omivell V. Stephens, 2 Daly (N. Y.) 15. The worrl