Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/656

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made In the mean time, and untii_ something is done.—Intex-im receipt. A receipt for money paid by way of premium for a contract of insuriince for which application is mode. If the risk is rejected, the money is refunded, less the pro rota premium.

INTERLAQUEARE. In old practice. To lini. together, or interchangeably. Writs were called "i'iite7'lAzqueata" where several were issued against several parties residing in different counties, each party being slim- moned by a separate writ to warrant the ten-

1l.\t, together nith the other warrantors.

Flets. lib. 5. c. 4. § 2.

INTERLINEATION. The act of writing between the lines of an instrument; also what is written between lines. Morris v. Vanderen, 1 Dali. 67, 1 L. Ed. 38; Russell v. Eubaiiks, 84 Mo. 88.

INTERLOGIITOR. In Scotch practice. An order or decree of court; an order made in open court. 2 Swint. 362; Arkley, 32. —Inter-locutor of relevancy. In Sco_tch practice. A decree as to the relevancy of a libel (El;il.l[ilLtli)eDt in a. criminal case. 2 Allis. Criin.

. 37.3.

IN'I‘ERLOGU'lUR.Y. Provisional; temporary: not final. Something intervening between the commencement and the end of I1 suit which decides some point or matter, hut is not a final decision of the whole contro- versy. Mora v. Sun Mut. Ins Co., 13 Abb. Prac. (N. Y.) 310.

As to interlocutory "Costs." "Decree." "Juigiiient." "Order," and "Sentence," see those titles.

INTERLOPERS. Persons who run into business to which they have no right, or who interfere wrongfully; persons who enter a. country or place to trade without license. Webster.

INTERMARRIAGE. In the popular sense, this term denotes the contracting of a. marriage relation between two persons considered as members of different nations, tribes. families, etc. as, between the sovereigns of two different countries, between an American and an alien, between Indians of different tribes. between the scions of different clans or families. But, in law, it is sometimes used (and with propriety) to emphasize the mutuality of the marriage contract and as importing a reciprocal en- gagement by which each of the parties "marries" the other. Thus, in a pleading, instead of averring that "the plaintiff was married to the defendant," it would be proper to allege that "the parties lnterinarried" at such I1 time and place.

1N'r}:Rivi:i-1nnLi-:. To interfere with property or the conduct of business nfiuirs officiously or without right or title Mc-



Queen v. Babcock, 41 Barb. (N. Y.) 339'. In re Shlnn's Estate. Ilili Pa. El, 30 All. 1026, 45 Am. St. Rep. 656. Not a technical legal term, but sometimes used with reference to the acts of an executor de son tort or a ncgrifiorum pastor in the Civil law.

INT]-IRMEDIARY. In modern civil law. A broker; one who is employed to nelzotintr i1 matter between two parties, and who fur that reason is C0llS1(iEl'Cl1 as the Dllllllliliflry (agent) of both. Civ. Code In. 1900, art. 3016.

INTERMEDIATE. lntenening: interposed i.lurin;.: the piogress of a suit. ]lID- ceeding. business, etc., or between its he- ginning and end.

—Interme¢liete account. In probate law. An account of on executor, administrator. or gnarilinn bled subscqucni to his first or inihal account and before his Linni account. Specifically in New York, an account [lied with the surrogate for the purpose of disclosing the acts of the person accounting and the state or Moditicn of the fund in his hands, and not ma c the subject of a judicial settlement. Code (.‘iv. Proc. i\'. Y. 1SiJ9. § 2514. subd. 9.-—Intermediate order. In code practice. An order mode between the commencement of an action and the entry of a final judgment, or. in ciiminzil law. between the finding of the indictiuent and the completion of the judgment roli. ' ori. 163 N. Y. ‘J9. 57 N. E 85' bash lty. C " Iowa, 70. 18 N. W. Am. Rep. i State v. O'Brien. 13 Mont 1, 43 Pac. 10Jl Hyuics v. Van Cleef. 61 Him. 61 15 N. Y. Supp. 34_1.—Intermed.iate toll. To‘ for travel on a toil road, paid or to be coiiocted £rom persons who pass thereon at points between the toll gates. such persons not assing by, tlirough, or around the toil gzitzs. ollingworth v. State, 29 Ohio St. 57fi.



fusion of goods; the confusing or mingling together of goods belonging to diirerent owners in such I1 way that the property ot neither owner can be separately identified or extracted from the mass. See Smith v. Siinborn, 6 Gray (Mass) 134. And see Cou- FUSION or Goons.

INTERN. To restrict or shut up a pui- son, as a political prisoner, within a limited territory.

INTERNAL. Relating to the Interior) comprised within boundary lines; of interior concern or interest; domestic, as opposed to foreign.

—Interna1 commerce. See COAKMEIiCE.—IJ:iternal improvements. With reference to governmental _ policy and constitutional provi- sions restricting taxiition or the contracting of public debts. this term means works of general public utility or advantage, designed to promote facility of lntercoinmunication. trade, and com- merce, the i:l'EinSD0l' of persons and prop- erty, or the development of the natu ral resources of the state, such as railroads. public highways, tunipikes, and canals, bridges, the improvement