Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/657

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at rivers and harbors. systems of artificial irrigotion, and the improvement of water powers: but it does not include the building and mainteniince of state institutions. See Giicinsey v. liiiriington. 11 Fed. Cas. 99: Rippe v. Becker. {vii "inn. 100. 57 N. W. 331, 22 L. R. . 7_§ State v. Froehlich. 115 "'is. 32. 91 N. W_ ii". 58 L. R. A. 757. 95 Am. St. Rep. R9-1: U. S. v. Dodge County. 110 U. S. 156. 3 Sup. (‘t 5 . 28 L. Ed. 103; In re Senate iiusolution. _ (‘ul-i. 28:7, 21 Pac. 49?-; 54.-ivani h \. Kelly, 103 U. S. 184. 2 Sup. Ct. 468. F11. 395? giro;-4;. I-(;.8lIll)in%‘§:0I4lgl'_\'. ii. 51 Rug t. . L. 4i . 7.— ernn no ice. teim sometimes applied to the police power, or pouer to enact laws in the interest at the pub- lic safety. health, and morality, which is inherent in the il‘giSdiil[lVehllI|1i;Oi'l[_\7 of eiii;htsts_tte. is to be exercise wit re crence on o i s domestic ni:'l’airs and its own citizens, and is not surrendered to the federiii government. Sec °«'%‘o°"\°1"‘§‘."  %- 7i2oD"¥".T’""i"' W 1 A ic , . . .— ri on-in reve- rme. In the ic,-zisi-ition and fiscal administration of the United States. re\e_nue riiiscd by the imposition of taxes and exf-ises on domestic products or manufactures, and on domestic busi- ness and occupations. inheritance _tiixes, and stamp taxes: as broadly distinguished from "customs duties," 1'. 3., duties or taxes on funei_-,n commerce or on goods im orted. See Ilvv. Ski S. tilt. 35,5U. S. (éomlp. .‘ti_‘|D0}1. 20"fiz. — a erna we era. .iic as ie u o y in - in the body of the particular state or conntrv. The Garden City (I). C.) 20 Fed. 773.


which regulates the intercourse of nations; the law of nations. ] Kent, Comm. 1. 4. The customary low which determines the rights and regulates the intercourse of independent states in peace and war. 1 Wiidm. Int Law, 1

The system of rules and principles, founded on treaty, custom. precedent, and the consensus of opinion as to justice and moral obligation, which civilized notions recognize as binding upon them in their miitu.ii dealiiigs and relations. Heirn v Bridaiilt. 37 Miss. 230: U. S. v. Wh1te (C. C.) 27 Fed. 201.

Public intei-national law is the body or rules which control the conduct of independent states in their relations with each other.

Piiivutc interniitionnl low is that branch of municipal low which dctcriuines before the courts of what n.-ition :1 particular action or suit should be liroiigiit, and by the low of what nation it should be determined; in other words, it regulates privute rights as deieudent on a diversity of municipal lows and jurisdictions applicable to the persons, facts, or things in dispute, and the subject of it is hence sometimes culled the "confiict of laws." Thus, questions whether a given person owes allegiance to a particular state where he is domiciled, whether his shims. property, rights, and duties ore governed hy the 1121* aims, the low lam‘, the lea: fan‘, or the has ilamicilii, are questions with which pri- vate international law his to denl. Sweet; Roche v. Washington, 19 Ind. 55, 81 Am. Dec. 376



INTERNUNGIO. A minister of a second order, charged with the affairs of the papal court in countries where that court has no nuncio.

INTERNUNGIUS. A messenger between two parties: a go-between. Applied to u broker, as the agent of both parties. 4 0. Rob. Adm. 204

INTERPELLATION. In the ('i\ii law. The act by which, in Consequence at’ an -igieement, the party bound declares that he will not be bound beyond a certain time. Woi[t, Inst. Nat. § 7.72.

INTERPLEA. 1. A plea by which a person sued in respect to property disclaims my interest in it and dem.uids that rival claimants shall litigate their titles between themselves und relicve him from responsi- bility. Bennett v. Woiierton, 24 Kan. 286. See Ixnmenimonn.

2. In Missouri, a statutory proceeding, serving as a substitute for the action of replevlu, by which a third person intervenes in an action of uttachment. sets up his own title to the specific property nttacheri, and seeks to recover the possession of it. See Rice v. Saii_v. 176 M0. 107, 75 S. W. 398; Spooner v. Ross. 24 Mo. App. G03; State v. Barker, 26 Mo. App. 491: Brownweli, etc.. Car. Co. v. Barnard, 139 M0. 142, 40 S. W. 762.

INTERPLEADER. When two or more persons claim the same thing (or fund) of a third, and he. laying no claim to it himself, is ignorant which or them has a right to it, and fears he may be prejudiced by their proceeding against him to recover it. he may file a bill in equity against them, the object of which is to Ilizliie them litigate their title between themselves, insteiul of litigating it with him, and such 21 hill is called a "bill of interpicader." Brown

By the statute 1 & 2 Wm IV. c. 58. suminnry proceedings at low were provided for the same purpose. in actions of assiimpsit, dcht. detlnne, and ti-oier. And the same remmly is known, in one form or the other, in most or all of the United States.

Under the Pennsilvsnia practice. "hen goods levied upon by tile siir-iii?‘ are chiined by :1 third party, the siicriif takes a rule of l-li[Q1'pir‘.'idl.‘l' on the parties, upon which, when made absolute. a feigned issue is framed, and the title to the goods is tested. The goods, pending the proceedings. remain in the custody of the defendant upon the execution of a forthcoming bond. Bou-


INTERPOLATE. To insert words in I1 complete document.

INTERPOLATION. The act of interpolating; the words interpolated.

INTERPRET. To construe; to seek out the meaning of langiinge: to translate orally from one tongue to another.