Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/713

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lian|ent—Le x-oy (or In 1-elne) remercie lea loyal lujets, accepte lent benevolence, et ainsi 1e vent. The king (or the queen) thinks his (or her) loyal subjects, accepts their benevolence, and therefore wills it _to be so. The form of the royal assent to a bill of sun- plv.—Le x-oy (or In reine) s'avise1-n. The king (or queen) will advise upon it. The form of words used to express the rt-iiisal of the ru_\ul assent to public hills in parliament 1 Bl. Comm. 184. This is supposed to correspond to the judicial phrase "curm udvisan cult,‘ (a. II.) 1 Chit. Bl. Comm. 18-1. note.

Le saint 1111 112111115 est la supreme loi. liontesq. Esprit des Lois, 1. xxvii. C. 23. The safety of the people is the highest law. LEA, or LEY. A pasture. Co. Litt. 4b.

LEAD. The counsel on either side of e litigated action who is charged with the pricnipal management and direction of the party's case, as distiiigiilsiied from his juniors or suhordinates. is said to "lead in the cause," and is termed the "ieading counsel" on that side

LEADING A USE. Where a deed was exnculed before the ievy of a fine of land, for the purpose of specifying to whose use the fine should inure, it was said to "iead" the use, if executed after the fine, it was said to "declare" the use. 2 Bl. Comm. 363.

LEADING CASE. Among the various cases that are argued and determined in the courts, some, from their important character. have demanded more than usuni attention from the judges, and from this circumstance are frequently looked upon as having settled or determined the law upon aii points in- volved in such cases, and as guides for sub- sequent decisions, and from the importance tbc_v thus acquire are familiarly termed "leading cases." Brown.

LEADING COUNSEL. That one of two or more counsel employed on the same side in a cause who has the principal management of the cause.

LEADING QUESTION. A question put or framed in such a form as to suggest the ansuer smight to be obtained by the person lntr-n-ogating. (‘oogler v. Rhodes. 38 Flu. 240, 21 Smith. 11]. 56 Am. St. Rep. 170: Gunter v Watson. 49 N. C. 456: Railway (‘o. r. Haninian. 92 Tex. 509. 50 S. W. 123: Frank v. Grass Luniher C0,, 111 G1. 87, 36 S. E. . 4.

_Qu<virinns are leading which smzvcst to the witness_the answer desired, or which ernhnzly A material fact, and may be answered by a mere nccativc or atfirmativc, or which lni olve an ansuer he.-mu.-; immediately upon the merits of the muse, and indicating to the witness a representation which will best accord with the in- [crisis of the giarty propounding them. Tur-

Smedes & M. (Miss) 104, 47

.\ question is leading which puts into a wit- sass‘ mouth the words that are to be echoed

Bl.Law Dict.(2d Ed.)—15



back, or plainly suggests the answer which the party wishes to set from him. People v. Mather, 4 Wcnd. (N. Y.) 229, 247, 21 Am. Dec.

LEAGUE. 1. A treaty of ailiance batwcen different states or parties. it may be oflcnsive or defensive, or both. it is aficnsire when the contracting parties agree to unite in attacking a common enemy; defensive when the parties agree to act in concert in defending each other against an enemy. Wharton.

2. A measure of distance, varying in different countries. The marine league, marking the limit of nationai jurisdiction on the high seas, is equal to three geographical (or marine) miles of 6.075 feet each.

In Spanish and Mexican law, the league, as a legal measure of length, consisted of 5,000 vuras, and a va.ra was equivalent to 33%, English inches, making the icague equal to a little more than 2.63 miles, and the square league equai to 4,428 acres. This is its meaning as used in Texas land gnnts. United States v, Perot. 98 U. S. 428, 25 L. Ed. 251; Hunter v. Morse, 49 Tex. 219. "League and labor," an area of land equiva- lent to 4,605 acres. Ammons v. Dwyer, 78 Tex. 639. 15 S. W. 1049. See Lanna.

LEAKAGE. The waste or diminution of a liquid caused by its leaking from the cash, harrel, or other vessel in which it was placed.

Also an allowance made to an importer of liquids, at the custom-house. in the collection of duties, for his ioss sustained by the leaking of the liquid from its cash or vessel. LEAL. L. Fr. Loyal; that which be- iougs to the law.

LEALTE. L. Fr. Legaiity; the condition of a legalis homo, or lawful man.

LEAN. To incline in opinion or preference. A court is sometimes said to "lean against" a doctrine, construction, or view contended tor, whereby it is meant that the court regards it with disfavor or repugnance, because of its inexpedience, injustice, or icnonsistency.


LEARNED. Possessing learning; eru- dite: versed in the law. in statutes prescrihing the qualifications of judges, "learned in the law" designates one who has recelicd a regular legal education, the almost invari- ahlc evidence of which is the fact of his ad- mission to the bar. See Jamieson v. Wifigill. 12 S. D. 16. 80 N. W. 137. 46 L R. A. 317, 76 Am. st. Rep. 535; O'Neai v. Mciiiima, 116 Ala. 620, 22 South. 905.

LEARNING. Legal doctrine. 1 Leon. Tl. M