Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/712

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law of the country. e\en though it_ he contraband of war: for a neutral has a right to ourry such goods at his own iisk. Seton v. Low. 1 Johns. C.-is. (N. Y.) 1 ' Skidinore v. Dnsiloity. 2 Johns. Cas. (N. Y.) H Jnhci v. LI‘. .5 Johns. Cris. (IV. Y.) 120.—La.wful heirs. Sm HEIR.—Lawfu] man. A ire-vtunn. unattaintetl, and capable of healing: oath; :1 leglzlis lmmo.—Lawful money. Money which is a legal tender in pzirnient of dehts; e. 17., gold and sil\ei- coined at the mint.

LAWING 0F DOGS. The cutting several claws of the forefeet of dogs in the forest, to prevent their running at deer.

LAWLESS. Not subject to law; not con-

troiied by law; not authorized by law; not observing the rules and forms of law. See Arkansas v. Kausis & T. Coal Co. (0. O.) 96 Fed. 362. —La.wIess con:-t. An ancient local English court. said to li-we been held in Essex once a year. at cork crouinz, without _a light or pen and ink, and com]... ed in a whisper. Jacob.- Lawless man. An outlaw.

In old English Co. Lltt. 51;.

LAWNDE, LOWNDE. law. A plain between woods.

LAWSUIT. A vernacular term for a suit. nctinn, or Cause instituted or depending between two private poisons in the courts of law.

LAWYER. A person learned in the law; as an attorney, connsei, or solicitor.

.-Lny person who, for fee or reward. prosecute: or ili-f(_-nda causes in courts_ of record or other judicial tribunals of the United States, or of any of the =t'ites, or Whnse business it is to give legal nduce in relatiun to any c.-iiise or matter wiintevcr. Act of July 13. 1866, § 9, (14 St, at Large. 121.)

LAY. n. A share of the profits of a fishing or whailng voyage, allotted to the officers and sesnien. in the nature of nazes. Coffiu v. Jenkins, 5 Fed. ('35. 1190: Thomas v. Os- born. 19 How. 33, 15 L Ed. 534.

LAY, v. To state or allege in pleading.

—Lsy damages. To state at the conclusion of the declaration the amount of tin. ges which the pl innit‘ ch. ns—La.y ant. l‘liis term has com; to be usul tei-hniI~ills in igh- way laws as embracing all the « ri , of acts necessary to the complete establisliinent f s hizliuny Cone v. iliirtford. 38 Conn. 3 — Laying the venue. {Lnting in the m:ir_.-in of a dI~"lnrat- -n the county in which the plnintifi )i_i-nposes that the trial of the action shnli take pi -e.

LAY. ad}. Relating to persons or things not Cl(‘Ii(".Ii or ecclesiastical; a person not In

ec«1~ —.l itlcal orders. Also non-profes.-ioual. —-Lay corporation. See COIIPORATION-— Lay days. In the law of shinning. Days ei-

lowed in cl"-artcr-pn-‘L ~ for lo ‘.1 ng nml ""1 mling the Lnrgo, .1 Kent, Comm 202 203.— Lay fee. A fee held by ordiuaw ft-udzil tennre, as disringu‘«!l_¢l from the eccl- Allfitlffll tenure of froiikalmmyn, by which an ecclesiasfitnl corporation held of the donor. The tenure

704 LE ROI

of frimkiilm.m'g1i is reserved by St 12 Car. [I.. which abolished military tenures. 2 Bl. omm. 1_0l.—La impropriatar. In English ende- aiastical_ a_w. A lay person holdin-V a spirituzil appropriation. 3 Steph. Comm. my in. vestxtnre. In ecclesiastical low. The l‘?'l'|’I men)‘ of putting 21 bishop in possession of Ihe te-mporzilities of his di'ocese.—-Lay judge. A judge "no is not learned in the law. i'_ e. not a lawyer: formerly employed in some of tlu s_tat_es ns assessors or iissistzints to the piesiding yudges in the nisi piius couits or courts of first instaiice.—Lny people. Jui'_vmen.—Lay- man. One of t'he people, and not one of the clcigy; one who is not of the legal pru'o-Aim: one who is not of a particular prolxsuion.

LAY!-1. L.F1'. Law.

LAYSTALL. A place for dung or soil.

LAZARET, or LAZARETTO. A pa- house, or public hospitai for persons atlet; d with the more dangerous forms of contagious diseases; in quarantine station for vessels coming from countries wheie such dlseises are prevalent.

LAZZI. A Saxon term for persons of a serviie condition.

LE conenns. A species of proof on charges of iinpotency in France. coitus :0- mm testibus. Aboiished A. D. 1677.

Le contrat (nit la 101. The contract makes the law.

LE GUIDON DE LA MER. The title of a French work on marine insuinuce, by an unknown author. dating back, probably, to the sixteenth century, and said to have been prepnretl for the merchants of Ronen. II. is noteworthy as being the earliest treatise on that subject now extant.

Le ley do Dieu at lay de terre aunt tont 11.11; at l'nn at Pnutre preferre at lavour le common et pnblique bien rlel terre. The law of God and the law of the land are all one; and both preserve and fa- vor the common and public good of the land. Keilw. 191.

Le ley est le plus lmut enheritance qne le toy nil, car per la lay il mesme at touts ses snjets snnt rules: at. si la ley nu fuit. nu]. toy ne nu]. enheritanca serrn. 1 J. H 6, 63. The law is the lJI_2l:r est inheritance that the king posse»----, for by the law both he until all his subjects are ruled; and, If there were no law, there u. ould be neither king nor inheritance.

LE ROI, or ROY. The Old law-French words for "the king." -1.2 1-01 vent en deliherer. The king will deliberate on it This is the formula which the king of the French used when he ifltflflllull to veto an act of the legislative assembly, 1 Tnnllier. no. 42.—-Le rny (or In reins) 15 went. The king (or the queen) wills it The form of the royal assent to public bills in nu: