Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/877

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qnadfinn, and the relative numbers on the ausiun are precisely the same as if both lnunhers were present. May, Purl. Pr. 370.

PAIS, PAYS. Fr. The country: the neighborhood. A trial per pais signifies a trial by the country; that is, by jury. An assurance by matter in pais is an assurance transacted between two or more private persons in the country;" that is, upon the very spot to be transferred. Matter in pais signifies matters of fact, probably because matters of fact are triable by the country: i.e., by jury; estoppels in pais are estoppels by conduct, as distinguished from estoppels in deed or by record.

PAIS, CONVEYANCES IN. Ordinary -'aIlI\l-‘iilllfl-'- lictween tvio or more persons in I.'u (umit1']I,' L e., upon the land to be trans- Ir-lrcd

PALACE COURT. A court formerly ex- isting in [1ngh'm(L it was created by Charles i. arti al-ullshed in 1845). it was heid in the i.r-rough of Southwark, and had jurisdiction of ail personal actions arising within Iuelre miles of the royui palace of White- hall, exciusive of London.

PALAGIUM. A duty to lords of mauors for exporting and importing vessels of wine at any of their ports. Jacob.

PALAM. Lat. In the civil law. Open- ir; in the presence of mama Dig. 50, 16, 33.

PALATINE. Possessing royal privileges. See Comvrr PA1.A'r1NE.

PAI..A'1‘TN'E COURTS formerly were the court of common pleas at Lancaster, the chnncery court of Lancaster, and the court of pleas at Durham, the second of which alone now exists. (See the respective titles) Sweet.

PALATIUM. Lat A paiace. The emperor's house in Rome was so called from the Mom: Palzztinus on which it was built. Adams, Rom. Ant. 613.

PALFRIDUS. A paifrey; a horse to travel on. PAIINGMAN. In old Engilsh law. A

merchant: dcnizen; one born within the Eng- iish pole. Biount.

PALLIO COOPERIRE. In old English law. An ancient custom, where children ucre born out of wedlock, and their parents afterwards inter-married. The children, together with the father and mother, stood under a cioth extended while the marriage was soiemnlzed. it was in the nature of adoption. The children were legitimate hy



the civil, but not by the common, law. Jacob.

PALMER ACT. A name given to the English statute 1.’) 6: 20 Vict. c. 16, enabling a person accused of a crime committed out of the jurisdiction of the central criminal court. to be tried in that court.

PANLPITLET. A small book, bound in paper covers. usually printed in the 0\.tl1\'D form, and stitched. See U. S. v. Ch 135 U. S. 255, 10 Sup. Ct. 756. 34 L. Ed 1 1.

PANIPITLET LAWS. The name given in Peunsyiiuma to the publicution, in pamphirt or book form containing the nets passed by the state it-gisl tture at each of its hlennial sessions.

PANDECTS. A compilation of Roman law, consisting of selected passages from the writings of the most authorimtive of the oider jurists, methndically arranged, prepared by Trlbonian with the assistance of sixteen associates. under a Commission from the emperor Justinian. This work, which is othernrse called the "D1,-zest," comprises fitty books, and is one of the four great works composing the Corpus Juris Cimiis. It was first published in A. D. 533.

PANDOXATOR. In old records. A brewer. PANDOXATRIX. An ale—wife: s wo-

man that both brewed and sold aie and beer

PANEL. The roll or slip of parchment returned by the sheriff in obedience to a ne- uxrc facias, containing the names of the persons whom he has summoned to attend the court as jurymen. Beasley v. People, 89 I11. 571: People v. Lloyodo, 40 Chi. 592.

The panei is a list of jurors ieturned by a sheriff, to serve at a particuisr court or for the trial of a particular action. Pen. Oode Cal. § 1057.

The word is also used to denote the whole body of persons summoned as jurors for a particular term or court.

In Scotch law. The prisoner at the bar, or person who takes his triai before the court OF justiclary for any crime. This name is given to him after his appearance. Bell.

PANIER, in the parlance of the English bar societies, is an attendant or domestic who waits at tabie and gives bread, (i7uni8.) wine, and other necessary things to those who are dining. The phrase was in fami- liar use among the lrni,-zhts templar, and from them has been handed down to the learned societies of the inner and middle temples, who at the present day occupy the halls and buildings once belonging to that distinguished order, and who have retained a few of their customs and phras. Brown