Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/906

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I-‘ETD. Lat. In Roman law. I request. N A common word by which a fldeicoinnii'ssum, or trust, was created in a will. Inst.

2, 24. 3. PETRA. A stone weight Cowell.

PETTIFOGGER. A lawyer who is ern- ployed in a smaii or mean business, or who carries on a disreputable business by unprincipled or dishonorable means.

"We think that the term ‘pettifogfging shyster‘ needed no definition by witnesses be ore the jury. '1iiis combination of epithets, every lawyer and citizen knows, belongs to none but unscrupulous practitioners who disgrace their profession hy doing incan work, and resort to sharp practice to do Bailey v. Kalamazoo Pub. Co., 40 Mich. 256.

PETTY. Small, minor, of less or inconsidorable importance. The English form of "petit," and sometimes used instead of that word in such compounds as "petty jury."

"petty iarceny." and "petty treason." See Prjrrr. —Petty ‘bag nfiee. In English law. An of-

flce in the court of chancery, for suits against attorneys and officers of the court, and for process and proceedings by extent on statutes, recognizances, ad quail Ilnmmim-, and the like. Termes de in Ley.—.'Fe'tty officers. Inferior officers in the naval service, of various ranks and kinds. corresponding to the non-commis~ sinned officers in the army. See U. S. v. Fuller, 100 U. S. 593. 16 Sup. Ct. 386. 40 L. Ed. 54..

As to petty "Average," "Constable." and "Sessions." see those titles.

Pl-IW. An incloscd seat in a church. 0‘IIear v. De Gocshriand. 353 Vt. 606. 30 Am. Dec. 553; Trustees of Third Presbyterian Congregation v. Andruss, 21 N. J. Law, 328; Gay v. Baker, 17 Mass. 435. 9 Am. Dec. 159,

PHAROS. or sea-mark.

A watch-tower, ligh t-house.

PI-ILEIIITIS. In medical jurisprudence. An inflammation of the veins, which may originate in scziticrvinia (bacterial hiood- poisoning) or pywillia (poisoning from pus), and is capable of being transmitted to other tissues, as, the hiain or the muscular tissue of the heart. In the latter (use, an inflam- mation of the heart is produced which is calied "ori1iocarditv's" and which may resuit family. see Succession of Bidwell, 52 La. Ann. 744, 27 South. 281.

PHOTOGRAPHER. Any person who makes for sale photographs, ambrotypes, dagiierrotrpes, or pictures, by the action of light. Act Cong. July 13, 1866, § 9; 14 SI‘. at Large, 120.

PHYLASIST. A jailer.

PHYSICAL. Reiating or pertaining to the iiody, as distinguished from the mind or soul or the emotions; material. suiistantive, having‘ an objective existence, as distinguish-



ed from lmag-inary or flctitious; real. him relation to facts, as distinguished from mor or constructive.

— disability. See DISABILITY. ' In the law of evidence. fact having" a physical existence, as distin, from a mere conception of the mind; 0 which is visibie, audible, or paipable; such the sound of a pistol shot, it man running. i gsssions of human feet on the ground. Biirii 'rc._ Ev. 130. fact co_nsidered_ to have i

which it is constituted animate, but of ti: which it has in common with the class of animate beings. I Benth. Jud. Ev. 43.—Phy cal force. Force applied to the body: iiuiiii violence. State v. ‘Veils. 31 Conn. 2i2.—Piiy- sica] incapacity. isw of ' and divorce, ' ' sexuai coition, arising from incurable ph imperfection or inuifnrmation. Anonymous. Ala. 29]. 7 South. 100. 7 L R. A. 425. 18 Am. St. Rep. 116; Franlie v. Fr.-inke (Cat) 31 Pic. 974, IS L. R. . 3'i'5.—Physica.i injury. ily harm or hurt. excluding mental dl fright, or emotional disturbance. I)t‘i1i|l'il.' . Chicago. etc.. R. 00., 80 l\Io. App. 15'i'..—PI1yIical necessity. A condition in which a person is absolutely compelled to act in a par

' ay by overwhelming superior force; ‘ distinguished from moral necessity, which *1 where there is a duty incumbent upon a. :5 Q- ai being to perform, which he ought at the R to perform. The Fortitude. 3 Sunin. 245. Cas. No. 4.953.

PHYSICIAN. A practitioner of medicine; a person duly authorized or iicenfl I) treat cl seases; one lawfully engaged in the practice of medicine, without reference iii any particular school. State I‘. Beck. 21 R. I. 288, 43 Atl. 366. -15 L R A. 269; Raynor V. State, 62 Wis. 239, 22 N. W. 430; 34% v. State Board or Health. 108 Ky. 769, 5 S. W. 501, 50 L R. A. 383.

H H 3 E

PIA PRAUS. Lat. A pious fraud: 3 subterfuge or evasion considered nioriiily justifiable on account of the ends sought to he promoted. Particularly applied to an evasion or disregard of the inws in the interests of religion or religious institutions, such as circumventing the statutes of mort- main.

PIACLE. An ohsolets term for an enormous crime. PICAROON. A rohher; s piunderer.

PICK-LOCK. An instrument by which locks are opened without a key.

PICK OF LAND. running into a corner.

A narrow slip of land

PICKAGE. Money paid at fairs for brealting ground for booths.

IFICKERY. In Scotch law. Petty theft: stealing of trifles, punishable arbitrarily. Bell.

I-'ICKI:‘.'.I‘ING, by members of a trade union on strike, consists in posting members