Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/907

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at ail the approaches to the works struck against, for the purpose of ohserving and reporting the workmen going to or coming frnm the works, and of using such influence as may be in their power to prevent the workmen from accepting work there. See Heck v. Raiiway Teamsters’ Protective Un- lon, 118 Mich. 497, 77 N. W. 13, 42 L. R. A. 407. 74 Am. St. Rep. 421; Cnmberiand Glass Mfg. Co. v. Glass Bottle Blowers’ Ass’n, 59 i\‘. .l. Er]. 49, 46 Atl. 208.

PICKLE, PYCLE, or PIG]-ITEL. A aniaii parcel or land incloseri with a hedge, which, in some countries, is caiied a "pingie." Ene. Lond.

PICKPOCKET. A thief who secretly steals money or other property from the person of another.


See Connr or Pran-

PIER. A structure extending from the soiiri land out into the water or a river, lake. harbor, etc., to airord convenient passage for persons and property to and from vessels ainng the sides of the pier. Seaiiright v. Allgor, 89 N. J. Law, 641, 58 Ati. 287.

PIERAGE. The duty for maintaining piers and harbors.

I-'IGNORA'.I‘I0. Lat. In the civil law. The contract of pledge; and also the oh1igatian of such contract.

PIGNORATITIA ACTIO. Lat. In the ch a law. An action of pledge, or founded on a pietlge, which was either dirt-cta, for the debtor. after payment of the debt, or can,- irariu, for the creditor. Heinecc. Elem. i.ib. 3. tit. 13, §§ S%—826.

PIG-NORATIVE CONTRACT. In the civil law. A contract of pledge. hypothecatian, or mortgage of reaity.

PIGNORIS CAPIO. Lat. In Roman law. This was the name of one of the leg/is aaiinncs. It was employed only in certain particular kinds of pecuniary cases, and consisted in that the creditor, without prelimi- nary suit and without the co-operation of the magistrate, by reciting a prescribed formula, took an article of property from the debtor to be treated as a pledge or security. The procecding hears a marked aniiiogy to dis» tress at common law. i\I.ic-iieid. Rom. Law, § ‘.303: Gains, bk. 4, §§ 20-29.

PIGNUS. Lat. In the civil law. A piedge or pawn; A delivery of a thing to a creditor, as security for a deht. Also a thing delivered to a creditor as security for a debt.

PILA. In old English iair. That side of coined money which was called "pile_" he-



cause it was the side on which there was an impression of a church buiit on plies. Fleta, lib. 1, C. 39.

PILETTUS. In the ancient rorest laws. An arrow which had a round knob a littie ahove the head, to hinder it from going far into the mark. Cowell.

PILFER. To piirer, in the plain and popular sense, means to steal. To charge another with pilfering is to charge him with stealing, and is slander. Becket v. Sterrett. 4 Binckf. (Ind.) 499.

PILFERER. One who steals petty things.

PILLAGE. Plunder; the forcihie taking of private property by an invading or con- quering army from the enemy's subjects. American Ins. Co. v. Bryan. 26 Wend. (N. Y.) 573, 37 Am. Dec. 278.

PILLORY. A frame erected on a piliar. and made with hoies and inovable boards, through which the heads and hands of criin- inals were put.

PILOT. A particular officer serring on

board a ship during the course of a voyage, and having the charge of the helm and the ship's route: or a person taken on board at any particniur place for the purpose of conducting a ship through a river, road, or channel, or from or into a port. Peopie v. Francisco, 10 Abb. Prac. (N. Y.) 32; State v. Turner, 34 Or. 173. 55 Pac. 92; Chapman v. Jackson, 9 Rich. Law (S. O.) 212; State V. Jones. 16 Fla. 306. —Bx'nnc]1 pilot. One possessing a license. commission, or certificate of (‘Um'D(‘tl‘I1(‘V issued by the proper authority and usually after an examination. U. S. v. Forbes. _ Frd. (‘'as. 1141: Pcttcrson v firate (Tex. Cr. R.) as S. W. 100' Dean v. Henly, 66 Ga. 503; State v. Follett, 33 La. Ann. 228.

PILOTAGE. The navigation or a vessel by a pilot; the duty of a pilot.

The charge or compensation allowed for piloting a vessel.

PILOTAGE AUTHORITIES. In Engllsh law. Boards at commissioners appointed and authorized for the regulation and appointment of pilots, each board having juris- diction within a prescribed district.

PIMP-TENURE. A very singular and odious kind of tenure mentioned by the oid writers. "Wilhelmina Hoppcshort renal dim.1'.:iiIz11i vityatrim tcrrcz per serviiiilwn custotiimth SILT damlselllis. soil. meretrices ad usum domini regis." Wharton.

PIN-MONEY. An allowance set apart by a husband for the personal expenses or his wife, for her dress and podiet money.