Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/920

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wives at the same time. Code Ga. 4530.

A bigsmist or polygamist. in the sense of the eighth section of the act of congress of March 2.’, _, is a man who, having contracted a bigamnus or polygampns mainnge, and become the husband at one time, of two or more wives. maintains that relation and status at the time when he offers to be registered as a voter; and tbis without reference to the question whether he Vwiis at ll1lJ_V time guiltly at the oficnse of thignm_ or pn ygamy, or v, in er any rosecu ion for such oifcnse was barred by the lasso of time: neither is it necessary that be sbould he guilty 0: ]_")Ol._Vg§l.]J2\70I.lqlgl"g ihriufirsth sectiofi of the so; 0 i-arc ‘_, 8-. . a e . 11 U. 16. 5 Sup. Ct. 7—iT.q_‘I:[l) Ed. 47l?sC3;innon 1v_.dUfi(§.. 116 U. S. 55, 6 Sup. Ct. 278, 2.0 L.

i . . ‘I .

Bignmy literally means a second marriage distinguished from a third or other; while polygamy means many marringes,—impiies more than two.

1882. I

POLYGARCHY. A term sometimes used to denote a government of many or several; a government where the sovereignty is shared by several persons; a collegiate or divided executive.

POMARIUM. In old ple-tree; an orchard.

pleading. An ap-

POND. A body of stagnant water without an outlet. larger than a puddle and smaller than a lake; or a like body of water with a small outlet. Webster. And see Rocliland Water (30. v. Cnmden & R. Water Co., 80 Me. 544. 15 Atl. 785, 1 L. R. A. 388; Concord Mfg. Co. v. Robertson, 66 N. H. 1. 25 Ati. 718, 18 L. R. A. 679.

A standing ditch cast by labor of man's

hand, in his private grounds, for his private use, to serve his house and household with necessary waters; but a pool is a low plat of ground by nature, and is not cast by man's band. Cali. Sets. 103. —Gi-eat ponds. In Maine and Massachusetts, natural ponds having a superficial area of more than _ten acres, and not appropriated by the proprietors to their private use prior to a certain daie. Barrovis v. i\lcDerinott, 73 lile 4-11; "'est Roxbury v. Stoddard. 7 Allen (Mass) 15S.—Pnlilic pond. in l\ew Euvland. a great pond; a pond covering it super (’liIl aren of more than ten acres. Brnstow v. Rockport Ice ('30., 77 Me. 100; West Roxbury V; Stoddard, 7 Allen (Mass.) 170.

Poi-ulernntnr testes, non nnmerantin-. Witnesses are weighed, not counted. 1 Starliie, Er. 55-i: Best. Ev. p. 426. § 389; Bakemnn v. Rose, 14 Wand. (N. Y.) 105. 109.

PONDUS. In old English law. Pound- iige; i. 2., a duty paid to the crown according to the weight of merchandise. —Pondn: regis. The liing's weight; the standard weight appointed by the king Cowell.

PONE. In English prnctice. An original writ formerly used for the purpose of removing suits from the court-baron or county



court into the superior courts of common law. It was also the proper writ to reniovs all suits which were before the sheriff by writ of justices. But this writ is now in disuse, the writ of certiarwri being the ordinary Ilbr cess by which at the present day a cause is removed from a county court into any su- perior court. Brown.

POND PER VADIUM. In English pinitice. An obsolete writ to the sheriff to sum- mon the defeiidsnt to appear and answer the plaintiff's suit, on his putting In suretles to prosecute. It was so called from the wnrds of the writ, "pone per -vailium st aalnu pleyflwa." "put by gage and safe pledges. A. B., the defendant."

PONENDIS IN ASSISIS. An old Writ directing a sherifl to impanei a jury for an assize or real action.

PONIINDUM IN BALLIUM. A Writ commanding that a prisoner be boiled in cases bailiible. Reg. Orig. 133.

PONENDITMI SIGILLITMI AD EXCEP- TIONEM. A writ by which justices were required to put their seals to exceptions ex- hibited by a defendant against I1 plaintiffs evidence, verdict, or other proceediiigs, be fore them, according to the statute Westm. 2, (13 Edw. I. St 1. C. 31.)

PONERE. Liit To put, place, lny, nr set. Often used in the Latin terms and phrases of the old law.

PONIT SE SUTPER PATRIAM. Lat. He puts himself upon the country. The defendant's plea of not guilty in a criminal tiction is recorded, in English practice, in these words, or in the abbreviated form "110, as."

PONTAGE. In old English law. Duty paid for the reparation of bridges; also a due to the lord of the fee for persons or merchandises that pass over rivers, bridges. etc: Cowell.

PONTIBUS REPARANDIS. An old writ directed to the sheriff, commanding him to charge one or more to repair I} hrldge,

POOL. 1. A combination of persons or corporations engaged in the same business, or for the purpose of engaging ins particuinr business or commercial or speciilntire vexiturc, where all contribute to a common fund, or place their holdings of a given stocii or other security in the hands and control of a managing member or couimittee, with the object of eliminating competition as between the several members of the pool, or or establishing a monopoly or controlling prices or rates by the weight and power of their combined capital, or of raising or depressing