Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/926

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lion of the fee. Carney v. Rain. 40 W. Va. T58, 23 S. E. 650.—PossiIJility on a possi- hility. A remote possibility, as it o remainder be limited in particular to A.'s son John. or lldward. it is bad if he have no son of that name, for it is too remote a possibility that he sbould not only have a son, but a son of that particular name. 2 Coke, 51.

POSSIBLE. Capable of existing or happening: ieaslbie. In another sense, the word dminlcs extreme improhabiiity, without excluding the idea of feasibility. It is also sometimes equivalent to "practiwble" or "reasonable." as in some cases where action is required to be taken "as soon as possible." See Palmer v. St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co., 44 Vvis. 208.

POST. Lat. After; occurring in a report or a tat-hook, is used to send the render to a subsequent part of the hook.

POST. A conveyance for letters or dispn tches. The Word is derived from "pusiti." the horses carrying the letters or dispatches being kept or placed at fixed stations. The word is also applied to the person who con- veys the letters to the houses Where he takes up and Inys down his charge, and to the stages or distances between house and house. Hence the phrases, post-boy, post-horse, post- house, etc. Wharton.

POST-ACT. after \\ ards.

An after act; an act done

POST CONQUESTUM. After the Con- quest. Words inserted in the king's title by King Edward I., and constantly used in the time of Edward lll. Tomllus.

POST-DATE. To date an instrument as of a time later than that at which it is really made.

POST DIEM. After the day; as. a plea of payment post llicm, after the day when the money became due. Com. Dig. "Pleader," 2.

In old. practice. The return of a writ nfter the day assigned A fee paid in such case. C0wel.l.

POST DISSEISIN. In English law. The mime of a writ which lies for him who, having recovered lands and tenements by force of a novel dlsselsln, is again dlsseised by a former dlsseisor_ Jacob.

POST ENTRY. When goods are weighed or mezisuleil, and the merchant has got an account thereof at the custom-house, and finds his entry already made too small, he must make a post or additional entry for the surplusuge. in the some manner as the first was done. As a merchant is always in time, prior to the clearing of the vessel, to make his post, he should take care not to over-enter, to avoid as well the advance as



the trouble of getting back the oven) McCul. DicL

Post exeuutlnnem status lex non titur pollibilitatem. 3 Buist. 108. the execution of the estate the law su not a possibility.

POST FACTO. rosr Facro.

After the fact. See

POST-FACTUM, or POSTFACTU An aftenact; an act done afterwards: post—act

POST-FINE. In old conveyancing. line or sum of money. (otherwise ccilleii t "king's silver") formerly due on grant‘ the liccnliu cam'ar(1mzd1', or leave to in levying a flue of lnnds. It amounted three-tirentieths of the supposed n value of the land, or ten shillings for ev five marks of land. 2 Bl. Comm 350.

POST HAG. Lat. After this; after till time: hereafter.

POST LITEM MOTAM. Lat. After 7 moved or commenveil. Depositions in rein tion to the subject of a suit. made after gation has commenced, are sometimes termed. 1 Starkie, Ev. 319.

POST-MARK. A stamp or mark put on letters i'eccl\'od at the post-ofijce for trans mission through the malis.

POST-MORTEM. After death. A term generally applied to an autopsy or examfi tion of a dead body. to ascertain the cause 1. death, or to the lliquisltiun for that purpfl lly the coroner. See Weliie v. United Stanc- Mut. Arc. Ass'u. 11 Misc. Rep. 31?. 31 N. L Supp. 865; Stephens v. People, 4 i’.irker Cr. R. (N. Y.) 47..

POST NATUS. Born afterivai-ds. A term applied by old writers to :1 second or younger son. It is used in private International law to desi,-:n:Ite a person who was hon. after some historic event, (such -is the American Ili-volution or the act of union between England and Scotland.) and whose rights or status will be governed or flfifiklfid by the question of his hirth before or alter such event.

POST-NOTES. A species of bank-notes payable at a distant period, and not on demand.

They are a species of obligation resorted to by banks when the exchanges of the counts. and especially of the banks. bevc become Ia- hariassed by excessive specuiations. Much mcnnrn is then felt for the country, and through the newspapers it is urged that ost-notes be issued by the bunks "for aiding omestic and foieign exchanges, ' as a "mode of relief." or a "remedy for the distress." and "to take the place of the southern and foreign exchanges."