Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/927

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And so presently this is done. Post-notes are therefore intended to enter into the circulation of the country as a part of its medium of ex- changes; the smaller ones for ordinary busi- ness, and the larger ones for heavier operations. They are intended to supply the place of demand notes, which the banks cannot afford to Issue or reissue, to relieve the necessities of commerce or of the banks, or to avoid a compul- sory suspension. They are under seal, or without seal, and at long or short dates, at more or less interest, or without interest, as the necessities of the may require. Appeal of I-logg, fl Pa. 488.

POST-Nl:IP'I‘IAL. Aftermarriage. Thus,

an agreement entered into by a father after the marriage of his daughter, iiy which he engages to make a provision for her, would he termed a "post-nnpttal agreement" Brown. —Post-nuptial settlement. A settlement made after marriage upon a wife or chil- dren; otherwise called a "voluntary" settlement. 2 Kent. Comm. 173.

POST OBIT BOND. A bond given by an expectant, to become due on the death of I person from whom he will have property. A bond or agreement given by a borrower of money, by which he undertakes to pay a larger sum, exceeding the legal rate of interest. on or after the death of a person from whom he has expectations, in case of surviving him. C1‘au‘fnr(l v. Russell, 62 Bar b. (N. Y.) 92; Boynton v. Hubbard, 1 Mass. 119.

POST-OFFICE. A bureau or department

of government, or under governmental super- lniendence, whose office is to receive, trans- mit, and deliver letters, papers, and other m.-iii-matter sent by post. Also the office established by government in any city or town for the local OpEI‘:1tl0l]S of the postal system, for the receipt and distribution of mail from other places, the forwarding of mail there deposited, the sale of postage stamps, etc. —Post-offico department. The name of one of the departments of the executive branch of the government of the United States, which has charge of the transmission of the mails and the general pnstsl business of the country.—Post- offics in-der. letter of credit furnished by the gnvernment. at a small charge, to facilitate the transmission of money.

POST PROLEM SUSCITATAM. issue born, (rnised.) Co. Litt. 191).


POST ROADS. The roads or highways, hy land or sen. designated by law as the ave- nues over which the mails shall be transport» ed. Railway Mail Service Cases, 13 Ct. Cl. 204. A "post route," on the other hand, is the appointed course or prescribed line of transportation of the mail. U. S. v. Kochersperger. 26 Fed. Can. 803; Blackhnm v. Gresham (G. C.) 16 Fed. 611.

POST-TERMINAL SITTINGS. tings after term. See Srrrmcs.




POST TERMINUM. After term, or postterm. The return of a writ not only after the day assigned for its return, but after the term also, for which a fee was due. Uowell.

POST, WRIT OF ENTRY IN. In English law. An abolished writ given by statute of 1\i'arlbridge, 52 Ben. III. c. 30, which pro- vided that when the number of allenntions or descents exceeded the usual degrees, a new writ should be allowed, without any mention of degrees at all.

POSTAGE. The fee charged by law for carrying letters, packets, and documents by the public mails.

—Postsge stamp. A ticket issued by government, to be attached to mail-matter, and representin-v the postage or fee paid for the transmission of such matter through the public mails.

POSTAL. Relating to the mails; pertaining to the post-otlice. —-Postal currency. During a brief period following soon after the coinniencetnent of the civil war in the United States, when specie change was scarce, postage stamps were popu- larly used as a substitute; and the first issues of paper representatives of parts of a dollar issued by authority of congress, were callnil "postal curiency." This issue was soon merged in others of a more permanent L-hni'acter_ for which the later and more appropriate muno is "fractional currency." bott.

POSTEA. In the common—luw practice. a formal statement, indorsed on the mist prius record, which gives an account of the pro-

ceedings at the trial of the action. smith, Act. 167. POSTED WATERS. In Vermont. Wa-

ters flowing through or lying upon lnclosed or cultivated lands, which are preserved for the exclusive use of the owner or occupant by his posting notices (according to the stat- nte) prohibiting all persons from shooting, trnpplngz, or fishing thereon, under 51 prescribed penalty. See State v. Theriault, 70 Vt. 617, 41 Ati. 1030, 43 L. R. A. 290, 61 Am. St. Rep. 695.

POSTERIORES. Lat. This term was nsed by the Romans to denote the descend- ants in a direct line beyond the sixth degree.

POSTERIORITY. This is a word of comparison and relation in tenure, the correlative of which is the word "priority." Thus, a man who held lands or tenements of two lords was said to hold of his more acnient lord by priority, and of his loss ancient lord by posteriorlty. Old Nat. Brev. 94. It has also a general application in law consistent with its etymological meaning, and. as so used. it is likewise opposed to priority Brovwl.

POST]-JRITY. All the descendants of a person in a direct line to the remotest gen-