Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/987

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means to that end. Commonwealth v. And- rews, 3 Mass. 129.

Qui destruit medium desti-uit fluetn. Iie who destroys the mean destroys the end. 10 Coke, 5111; C0. Litt. 161a; Shep. Touch. 8-12.

Qni doit inherite): al pere floit inheriter ai fltz. He who would have been heir to the father shall be heir to the son. 2 BL Comm. 2.2.5; Broom, Max. 517.



by command of one exercising judicinl authority, the law will not suppose that he acted from any wrongful or improper motive, because it "as his bounden duty to obey. 10 Coke, 76; Broom, Max. 93.

Qui male ngit edit lucenl. He who acts badly hates the light. 7 Coke, 66.

Qui mandat ipse fecissi videtur. IIe who commands [a thing to be done] is heid to have done it himself. Story, Baihn. § 147.

(1113 evertit eve:-tit ‘ Qui " _. melius lmhet. He fntui-um. lie who oierthrows the cause who iJl'0VeS most I'€C'0Vel'B most. 9 Vin. ADI’- overthrows its future effects. 10 Coke, 51. 235.

Qui ex diunnato coitu uanouutur inter libero: non coniputentur. Those who are born of an unlawful intercourse are not reck- oned among the children. 00. Litt. 8a.; Broom, Max. 519.

Qui faeit per alium (‘unit per so. He who acts through another acts himself, H. e., the acts of an agent are the acts of the prin- upaL] Broom, Max. 818, et seq.; 1 BL Comm. 419; Story. Ag. E 440.

Qui liabet iurisdietionem abeolvendi, habet jurisdictionem ligauuli. He who has jurisdiction to loosen, has jurisdiction to bind. 12 Coke, 60. Applied to write of prohibition and consultation, as resting on a shniiar foundation. id.

Qui hseret in lite:-A haaret in em.-tine. lie who considers inereiy the letter of an instrument goes but skin deep into its meaning. Co. Litt. 289; Broom, Max. 685.

Qui ' quantum solvers deheat, non potest imp:-obin videre. He who does not know what he ought to pay, does not want probity in not paying. Dig. 60, 17, 99.

Qui in Jul dominiuurve alterius suc- eedit jure ejus uti debet. He who succeeds to the i'ight or property of another ought to use his right, [11 e., hoids it subject to the same rights and liabilities as attached to it in the hands of the assiz,-'iior.] Dig. 50, 17, 1'17; liroom. Max. 473, 478.

Qui in utero eat pro jam nato Labetu-x', quoties de ejua " quzeritur. He who is in the womb is held as aireiidy burn, whenever a question arises for his benefit.

Qui juxe sun ntitur, nemini fimit inju- riiun. He who uses his legal rights hariiis no one. Carson v. Western R. Co., 8 Gray (.\iass.) 424. See Broom. Max. 379.

Qni jussu judiris aliquot! fecerit non -iridetur dolo male fecisse, quia. par-ere neoesse eat. Where a person does an act

Qui molitur insidias in pntriaiu id fa.- cit quad usnnus nauta. perfutnnn navem in qua. veliitur. lie who betrays his country ls like the insane sailor who bores a hole in the ship which carries him. 3 Inst. 36.

Qlli non cndunt in eonitanteni vlruni vaui tiuioi-es aunt zeitimandi. T Coke, 27. Those fears are to be esteemed vain which do not affect a firm man.

Qui non habet, llle non dnt. He who has not. gives not. He who has nothing to give, gives nothing. A person cannot com ey ii right that is not in him, if a man grant that which is not his, the grant is void. Shep. Touch. 2=L3; W.itl:. Conv. 191.

Qul non liabet in zero, hunt in corpora, no quis peecetlu‘ iinpune. He who cannot pay with his purse must snifer in his person, iest he who offends should go un- punished. 2 inst. 173; 4 Bl. Comm. 20.

Qui non liabet potestntem alienandi lmbet neoessitatem I-eti.nend.i. Hob. 551;. He who has not the power of alienating is to retain.

Qul non inipralzat, approhat. 3 Inst. 27. He who does not blame appi-oves.

Qul non libere veritntem pi uneial: pi-editor est veritatis. He who does not freely speak the truth is a betrayer of the truth.

Qui non uegat fatetur. He who does not deny, ailinits. A well-known rule of pleading. '.L‘ray. Lat. Max. 503.

Quj non ohstat quad obetaz-e pntest, fa- oere videtur. He who does not prevent [a thing] which he can prevent, is considered to do [as doing] it. 2 lust. 1-10.

Qui non prnhihet id quad prnlsiliere potent ' idntur. 2 inst. 305. He who does not rori-iii what he is able to pre- vent, is consideied to assent.