Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/988

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Qni non propulsat injurinm quando pntent, infert. Jenk. Cent. _’71. ile who does not repel an injury when he can, induces it.

Qui obetruit uditum, desttujt com- uiodum. lie who obstructs a way, passage, or enuance destroys a beneht or convenience. Co. Lltt. 161:». He who prevents another from entering upon land destroys the benefit which he has from it. Id.

Qui omne dicit nihil excludit. 4 Inst. 81. He who says all- excludes nothing.

Qui pa:-cit nooentibus innocentea pun- it. Jenh. Cent. 133. lie who spares the guilty pmnshes the innocent.

Qui peccat ebriu: lunt soln-ins. He who sins when drunk shall be punished when sober. Ciiry, 133; Broom, Max. 17.

Qui per nlium facic per Ieipsum fncero videtnr. ile who does a thing by an agent is considered as doing it himself. 00. Litt. 258; Broom, Max. 817.

Qui per frnudem ngit frustrn agit. 2 none, 17. What a man does fraudulently he does in vain.

Qui potest et debet vetnre, jnbet. He who can and ought to forbid a thing [if he do not forbid it] directs it. 2 Lent, Comm. 453, note.

Qui primum peccut ille faoit rlxmu. Godb. He who sins first makes the strife.

Qni prior est tempura potion est jute. He who is before in time is the better in right. Priority in time gives preference in law. Co. Litt. 1441; 4 Coiie, 90o. A maxim of very extensive application, b th at law and in equity Brouni, Max. 4462; 1 Story, Eq. Jur. § 6-111; Story, Bailui. § 312.

Qui pro me aliquid facit nihl fecisse videtnr. 2 Inst. 501. 111, who does any- thing for me appears to do it to me.

Qui providet sibi. providet Ineredibus. He who provides for himself provides for his heirs.

Qui rrttionem in omnibus quaarunt rutionem subvertunt. They who seek a rea- son for everything subvert reason. 2 Coke, 75; Broom, Max. 157-

Qui nciens Iolvit indebitum donnurli cnnsilin id. videtur feclsse. One who knowingly pays what is not due is supposed to have done it with the intention of making a. gift. Walker v. Hill, 17 Mass. 388.

Qni lemel actionem renunciuverit umpliun repetere non potest. He who has



once relinquished his action cannot bring it again. 8 Coke, 591:. A rule descriptive of the effect of a 2-ctroril and nallc prasirqui.

Qui semel est malus, semper prism- mitur ease malus in eodem genera. Lin who is once criminal is presumed io he :11- ways criminal in the same kind or way. (Jfll. Car. 317; Best, EV. 3-15.

Qui sentit commodum Ientire debut at onus. He who receives the ad\'zinta,-;c ought also to suffer the burden. 1 Coke, 99; lsruuis. Max. 706-713.

Qui nentit nuns sentire debs: at canmadum. 1 Coke, 991$. He who be.irs the burden of a thing ought also to apeueiiua the advantage arising from it.

Qui tenet, oonsentira videtur. He who is silent is supposed to consent. The §llEllL'E of a party implies his consent. Jenk. cent. p. 32, case 64; Broom, Max. 13.3, 757.

Qui tacet consentire videtur, uhi trantntur de ejus commode. 9 Mod. 35. lie who 15 silent is considered as nssentiug, when his interest is at stake.

Qui tacet non utique fatetur, sed ta- mcn verum est euzn non negate. He "ho is silent does not indeed coniess, but _set it is true that he does not deny. Dig. au. 17, 142.

QUI TAM. Lat. "Who as well ." An action brought by an in.i‘oiniei', under a statute which establishes a penalty for the commission or omission of a curtain aci, and prmiues that the siune shall be l'(‘(30\eld|llE in a civil action, part of the penalty [0 go to any person who will bring such action and the remainder to the state or some other institution. is called a "qu-i tam action;' be cause the plaintiff states that he sues as well for the state as for hilnseil. See in re l5iu'- ker. 56 Vt. 14; Grover v. Morris, 75 N. i’. 478.

Qui tnrdius solvlt, minus solvit. lle who pays more l.ardii_y [than he uu,;li[] [nus less [than he ought.] Jeiik. Ccut. 525.

Qui timent, cavent vitaut. They who fear, take care and avoid. Branch, 1'1-inc.

Qul totulu djcit nihil excipit. He who says all excepts nothing. Qui vult deoipi, decipintul‘. Let Lliln

who wishes to be deceived. be (1€LEllL‘d. Broom, Max. 782. "DIE; 1 De Gel. M 5: Li- ubi, 710; Shep. Touch. 56.

QUIA. Lzit. lllltlfir much as.

Because; whereas;

QUIA DATUM EST NOBIS INTELLI. GI. Because it is given to us to understand. Formal worde in old writs.