Page:Book of St Albans.djvu/12

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of thredis the wich ben in the fleſh that the hawke is fedde with for though thow pike the fleſh neueꝛ ſo clene, yit thow ſhalte fynde thredes theꝛ in

whan thyn hawke ſhall bathe hym.

And eueꝛmore ech thridde day let thyn hawke bathe hym, all the ſomeꝛ if it be mere wetheꝛ, and onys in a weeke in wynteꝛ if it be fayre wetheꝛ, and not ellis. And whan thow bathes thy hawke: eueꝛ yeue hiꝛ a moꝛcell of hoote meete vnwaſh though ſhe bene a Goſhawke.

How ye may cawſe yowre hawke to flye with a currage in the moꝛow.

Iff ye will that yowre hawke flye in the morowtide, fede hiꝛ the nyght before with hoote mete, and waſh the ſame meete in vreyne and wꝛyng owt the wateꝛ clene, and that ſhall make hiꝛ to haue lyft and cuꝛrage to flie ī the morow in the beſt maneꝛ

How ye ſhall gyde yow if yowre hawke be full gooꝛged and ye wode ſoone haue a flyght.

Iff yowre hawke be full gooꝛged, and that ye wold ſoone vp-