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ment, for planting the fields, for watering the soil, for conveying the sands of the east and west."

And thus, as it is further written in the Book of the Dead, do I answer him:

"Here am I, whithersoever thou callest me."

When, however, Rameses the Second, Pharaoh of Egypt, surnamed the Great, son of Seti, the son of Rameses, Ruler of Baq, Ta-Res, Ta-Meh and Suten Bat, the Iridescent Son of the Sun, decreed the formation of this Sacred Council, he commanded me to plow the fields, draw the water, carry the burdens, and perform all labor for the fortunate Egyptians received in his presence, in consequence of which it is common for men of this day, when assigned a task, to say, "Let Ushabti do it," whence arises amongst all good Egyptians that comely Order,

"Which nothing earthly gives, or can destroy, The soul's calm sunshine, and the heartfelt joy."

"Let Ushabti do it."

Rek-Mara—Sir Knights, whom have you there in charge?

Ani—The Cope Stone and the Ark.

Rek-Mara—Iridescent Son of the Sun, the Sacred Council is now formed. Nothing remains to be done but to seat the Cope Stone and to deposit the Ark in the sanctuary.

Pharaoh—Let Ushabti do it.

Heru-Set and Ta-Nefer are conducted to their stations, while Peta-Amen and Set-Up assume their stations.

Pharaoh—Egyptian Rek-Mara, display the..................

Rek-Mara proceeds to the pedestal in the West and removes cover from the coffer thereon.

Pharaoh(gives * * * with gavel; all rise)— Egyptians, together with the Sign of Distress and