Page:Book of the Dead.djvu/19

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the name that loosens chains, blinds, brings dreams, creates favor, wherein is contained all names, all lights and all powers: "IAOOUEI."

Pharaoh—I now declare Council of .................... No ...... opened in form. "Konx Ompax."

Rek-Mara—Let it be so recorded. Princes and Rulers, be seated.

(Lights turned on.)


Ordinarily, when it is desired to save time on ceremonial occasions, the Council may be opened in short form. All officers being in their stations, the Pharaoh may call the Council to order and say:

Pharaoh—Egyptians, come to order. I now declare Council.................... of No ...... opened in form. "Konx Ompax."

Rek-Mara—Let it be so recorded.

Closing Ceremonies

Pharaoh (gives * * * with gavel; all rise)—Egyptian Rek-Mara, great Messenger of Abydos, you will close the sacred chest and conceal the .............

(Done.) Pharaoh—I now declare Council of of .......... ........... No ...... closed in form. "Konx Ompax."

Rek-Mara—Let it be so recorded.