Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/30

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"Clara will show you. Come, brace up, cousin. It may not be as bad as all of you imagine."

For the poor girl was weeping as if her heart would break.

Mrs. Charleigh led the way up the stairs, and the men followed with Mr. Bell's body. Clara came on behind, trying to dry her tears with her dainty handkerchief.

"I wouldn't all go up," remonstrated Franklin, as the other four girls started to follow. "You had better stay here with your mother. Are you better, Daisy?"

"Yes, but, oh! Frank, isn't it simply dreadful!" burst out the girl.

"Let us hope for the best." He stroked his aunt's hair. "There, there. Aunt Martha, I don't believe it's so very bad. The man said he was only hurt about the shoulders."

"Oh, Franklin! What shall we do? We must have a doctor."

"I'll go for him," put in Will, coming forward.

"Get Doctor Noble if you can, and otherwise Doctor Vincent," said Mrs. Bell.

A little later she and Franklin went up stairs, where Mr. Bell lay on the bed, still unconscious. The poor woman gave a cry and flung herself across her husband's body.

Franklin and Mrs. Charleigh did what they could to soothe her, and waited impatiently for the phy-