Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/31

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sician to come. At last he put in an appearance and went to work on the instant.

"It is a compound fracture of the collar bone," was Dr. Noble's report. "Not necessarily dangerous, unless there are internal injuries attending it. He must be kept perfectly quiet."

Just then Mr. Bell moved slightly.

"Martha!" he murmured.

"I am here, William," replied his wife.

"I—I—fell from the train trying to get off too soon," went on the sufferer.

"We know all about it, Mr. Bell," said the Doctor kindly. "Please keep quiet and you will be all right."

"My neck hurts me."

"Your collar bone is broken and you must not move."



The injured man groaned.

"Too bad! too bad! What will my wife and family and Franklin do?"

"Never mind us, William," put in Mrs. Bell. "You must do as the doctor says."

"But I cannot work and earn anything."

"Never mind. Be thankful you are spared to us. You will be well some day."

After this the injured man became quiet. The doctor did all in his power and then left, stating