Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/32

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that he would come again early in the morning. The men who had brought Mr. Bell from the station withdrew, and one after another those who had attended the party went home, leaving Mrs. Bell, Franklin and the girls alone.

"It's a sorrowful ending for your party, Franklin," said Mrs. Bell to the boy, after all but Clara and Daisy had gone to bed. "We never would have dreamed of this a few hours ago."

"I do not care about the party," replied the youth. "But I am awfully sorry uncle has been hurt. I suppose he will have to stay in bed for a a long time to come."

"Yes many weeks, and perhaps months," sighed Mrs. Bell.

"And during that time he won't be earning anything." went on Franklin.

"No, our income will be cut off entirely."

"Then I think it about time that I found something to do, don't you?"

"I—I suppose so," hesitated Mrs. Bell. The idea of Franklin going to work so young had never before struck her.

"I intended to speak about the matter to Uncle Will to-morrow," went on the youth. "It's about time I was earning something."

"But what will you do?"

"If uncle and you are willing, I intended to strike Mr. Fells for work."