Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/64

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"I don't know yet. I would like to find Gresson, and I would like to strike another job."

"Naturally. Have you worked for Fells long?"

"Just went to work this morning, Sir."

"Indeed!" Belden Brice elevated his eyebrows. "Your experience with him was a short one."

"It was, and bitter."

"Never mind; keep a stiff upper lip."

"I shall try to do that, Sir. I have just been to the Edison Works for a job."

"Bound to get something connected with electricity, I see."

"Yes, Sir, if I can. I like that sort of work better than anything else."

"You do?"

"I have several batteries at home, and the folks declare that I do nothing but fuss with them the whole time," added Franklin, with a faint smile. Somehow, it lightened his heart to talk to such a man as Belden Brice.

"Well, it's a great science," said the man. "I have dabbled into it a little myself, and I have purchased two electrical inventions."

"If I ever get the chance, I shall invent something in that line," returned Franklin, growing enthusiastic.

Belden Brice smiled.

"You have no prospects at present?" he ventured slowly.