Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/65

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"No, Sir."

"How would you like to work in Paterson?"

"In Paterson?" repeated the youth.

"Yes. I know several people connected with the electrical business, and if you care to leave home I may be able to do something for you in that city."

Franklin's heart gave a bound. Here seemed a chance out of all his present difficulties.

"I will gladly go if the position will pay well enough to support me," he said.

"Then, supposing you come to Paterson early to-morrow?"

"I will, Sir."

"I am going home in a little while, and I will see what I can do for without delay."

"Thank you. You are kind to take the trouble for a stranger."

"Well, I rather like your looks, and I want to make amends for my sister's rudeness. It wasn't fair, and I can readily see it has left you in a fix which will not be done away with till this Gresson is caught."

"It is more than likely he has left the city," said Franklin soberly.

"I see. Well, I must be going. You will be in Paterson by noon to-morrow?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Here is my business card. You will find me at my office. Let me see, what is your name?"