Page:Boys of Columbia High on the Ice.djvu/229

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leave the space free that was absolutely necessary for the playing of the winter game.

"It's the same old seven, not a break!" shouted a voice, as the Clifford players took their allotted places facing the enemy's goal.

And as the rival teams faced each other those who looked on saw that the line-up was as follows:

Clifford. Columbia.
McQuirk Goal West
Hastings Point Shadduck
Gentle Cover Point Comfort
Coots Center Allen
Adkins Rover Wallace
Style Left Wing Bird
Wentworth Right Wing Shay

As substitute Clifford had Hollingsworth first, while Columbia passed up Oakes.

All was as still as death while the two teams faced each other, and the chosen referee addressed a few general directions to the players concerning certain rules that had been changed somewhat from last season.

"Now, get busy, fellows!" chirped a high-pitched voice from the hillside, and which clarion call created a ripple of amusement, destined however to be quickly stilled.