Page:Buildings Ordinance, 1955 (Cap. 123).pdf/19

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No. 68 of 1955.

(3) Where any street is owned by more than one person the Building Authority may, if he consider the public interest better served by such work being carried out by or under his direction, carry out or cause to be carried out such work and recover the cost as aforesaid from such owners notwithstanding the willingness of one or more of such owners to carry out such work without his intervention.

(4) The Building Authority shall give one month’s notice of his intention to carry out works under subsection (2) or (3) to all persons who appear to him to be concerned and shall consider and make reply to all representations made to him within fourteen days of such notice by such persons before commencing or authorizing such works.

(5) (a) The owner or owners of any street may serve notice in writing in the Form 9.prescribed form on the Building Authority signifying their desire to surrender the said street to the Crown free of their interests of whatsoever nature, and requiring Government to undertake the further maintenance and repair of such street.
(b) Within three months of the receipt of such notice the Building Authority shall either—
(i) give notice to the owners of the Crown’s intention of accepting the surrender of the street, and, where he considers it necessary, of his intention to exercise his powers under subsection (2) or (3); or
(ii) give notice to the owners of the Crown’s intention not to accept the surrender on the grounds that the use of the street by the public does not justify its maintenance and repair at the cost of the Government.

(6) The Building Authority may exempt wholly or partly from the application of this section any street on which no buildings front or abut.

Miscellaneous and General.

Projections on or over streets. 21. (1) Save where exempted by the Building Authority no building or other structure shall be erected in, over or upon any portion of any street whether or not on land held under lease from the Crown.