Page:Buildings Ordinance, 1955 (Cap. 123).pdf/20

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No. 68 of 1955.

(2) Where in the opinion of the Building Authority the public interest so requires he may—

(a) by order in writing served on the owner of the building any part of which projects, or attached to which is any projection, over any street or unleased Crown land require the alteration or removal of such projection within three months from the service of the order or within such lesser period as the Building Authority may deem necessary in the circumstances; or
(b) carry out or cause to be carried out such alteration or removal and, except in the case of a projection over a street held on lease from the Crown, recover the cost thereof from such owner.

(3) Where—

(a) no exemption is granted by the Building Authority under section 29 for the re-erection over or upon any portion of a street held on lease from the Crown of a building which had been so built under the provisions of this or any earlier enactment; or
(b) the Building Authority exercises his power under subsection (2) to require the alteration or removal of, or alters or removes any projection built under the provisions of this or any earlier enactment over such a street, compensation shall be paid by the Government to the owner of such building.

(4) Any dispute as to whether any compensation is payable or as to the amount of such compensation shall, in default of agreement, be determined by arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Order XXV of the (Vol. VII, p. 44).Code of Civil Procedure.

Naming of streets and numbering of buildings. 22. (1) The Building Authority may affix to or paint or cause to be affixed to or painted on any building which fronts or abuts on any street the name of such street.

(2) The Building Authority may by an order in writing served on the owner of any building which fronts or abuts on any street require such building to be marked with the number allocated by, and in such manner as may be prescribed by the