Page:Buildings Ordinance, 1955 (Cap. 123).pdf/23

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No. 68 of 1955.

(c) by leaving the same with an adult occupier of the premises to which the notice or order relates or by posting the same upon a conspicuous part of such premises:

Provided that in addition to or in substitution for any such method of service the publication in the Gazette of any such notice or order together with the available particulars of the person to whom it is addressed shall be deemed to be good service.

Limitation of public liability. 25. (1) No liability shall rest upon Government or upon any public officer by reason of the fact that any building works are carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance or that such building works or the plans thereof or materials therefor are subject to inspection or approval by a public officer, nor shall anything in this Ordinance make it obligatory for the Building Authority to inspect any building, building works or materials or the site of any proposed building to ascertain that the provisions of this Ordinance are complied with or that plans, certificates and notices submitted to him are accurate.

(2) No matter or thing done by the Building Authority or by any public officer acting under his direction shall if it were done bona fide for the purpose of executing this Ordinance subject him or such public officer personally to any action, liability, claim or demand whatsoever.

(3) Section 17 of the (Cap. 23).Law Amendment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (which relates to limitation of time and award of costs), shall apply to actions or prosecutions commenced against the Building Authority or any public officer acting under his direction for anything done or intended to be done or omitted to be done under this Ordinance.

(4) Nothing in this Ordinance contained shall exempt any person from any proceeding by way of mandamus, injunction, prohibition or other order unless it is expressly so enacted.

Regulations. 26. (1) The Governor in Council may by rules or regulations prescribe or provide for—

(a) the registration and control of
(i) authorized architects;
(ii) registered contractors;