Page:Buildings Ordinance, 1955 (Cap. 123).pdf/24

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No. 68 of 1955.

(b) the plans and notices to be delivered to the Building Authority under section 9;
(c) fees;
(d) forms;
(e) planning and design of buildings including―
(i) streets;
(ii) projections;
(iii) heights, volumes and open spaces including scavenging lanes;
(iv) lighting and ventilation;
(v) sanitation;
(vi) staircases and fire-escapes;
(vii) domestic buildings;
(viii) buildings for special uses including industrial buildings, places of public entertainment and schools;
(ix) seawall, breakwater, jetty, mole, quay, wharf and pier;
(x) exceptional structures;
(xi) timber yards, and hoardings and scaffoldings;
(f) the construction of buildings including―
(i) materials;
(ii) loads and stresses;
(iii) foundations, floors and sites;
(iv) walls and piers;
(v) roofs, flues and chimneys;
(vi) structural steel work, reinforced concrete, and timber;
(vii) fire-resisting construction;
(viii) retaining walls;
(ix) plumbing and drainage;
(x) wells;
(xi) lifts and escalators;
(g) the granting of permits for and control of buildings required for a limited time or constructed of short lived materials.